
Indonesia come

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I thought you would said something better instead of words like this.

Per you im the shittiest user on the site, why would you expect anything more

And the people calling him a racist literally just made a thread called "Indogs," maybe stay out of the indonesian-Indian race war? Unless you just dont like this FDWC guy and wanted to use it as an excuse to try to get him banned?

C'mon this is just show your maturity.


Per you im the shittiest user on the site, why would you expect anything more

my bad. i thought you are better than that because you showed solid opinion about the previous case. also, that's not literal my thinking lol, it's just grief (? idk the word)

and , flyingdoggo and me are literally from the same region, and we know each other lol. i never hate him lmao.. it's just because this vidyakchaha said flyingdoggo said the literal racist comment, and i want to know what comment so i trigger him so he can search that with passion. and i still will report him even if we are from same region (literal racist)

i don't think indogs are racist.... it's just trashtalk becuase it rhymes with indo

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