ShahZaM on the way out???

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Maybe start preparing for next year, do some vod review with the coach and team, start skirms or planning for the next tourney. Or even better yet join the lower tier tourneys and get some practice in to prepare for next year. There are many things he could of done instead of streaming.
Think about it this way, if you fail a test do you... A: go over the questions you got wrong and try to understand your mistakes and how to get the correct answer to prepare for the next text. B: say gg and then start playing games with your friends.
IMO thats what shazam should of done instead of streaming but at the same time I understand your point too. There is a huge gap between the next big tourney so it might be good for him to stream and let off some steam. But then again we don't know what he is doing when he is not streaming.


after LCQ, they didn't even know if they were getting franchised or not and even then, they are losing 2 players from their roster.

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