I'm new to valorant

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Where should i start from :D


Hey Man, I would recommend Ron Rambo Kim ( He is an fps coach) . He has some very in depth guides about Valorant. You also wont instantly be good and that's okay. There will always be some Toxic people who will try there best to put u down but fuck them. Chase your dreams and have fun. Good luck.


i would use aim labs to practice aim and just grind


Test out the waters with different agents. If youre more aggressive as a player ..Look for duelists. If you're more passive... look into the controllers or supports


Try Viper and join the viper cult/fan club pls


dont use aimlab or something! its bullshit! do it only when you struggle to hit targets. if you play aimlab or something you will be good at hitting targets but not headshots and in this game you have to finish your enemies quick. pro gamers and iron silver followers use aimlab because the pros who get paid by this tools say so. its important to practise and train your arm/wrist, keys (deathmatch, unranked) and study yourself what you can do best or not! its important to find out what kind of player you are first like youre a duelist or more defensive/supporter player. you will have to play hundreds of hour before you realize you get better. dont rush it to much. i can tell the most impostant thing in this game is movement and to be able perfectly use your keys and abilities. think about what keybinds you wanna use from the beginning since its confusing later switching buttons. master your movement, jigglepeek/jumppeek and your keys and if you have a good crosshairplacement you will be good in a few months imo. i WOuld recommend playing sage, raze, omen, phoenix, killjoy for the start. dont play ranked before you feel like you can decide matches with your skills since you could get really low ranked and it sucks to level up your rank when you are at the very bottom since it will take a lot of time leveling up. trust me when it comes to this! you will regret playing ranked without knowing the game and the rank system will frustrate you a lot! watch some streams and try yourself some tricks and stuff.

PG_newt [#3]

i would use aim labs to practice aim and just grind

MEMELAB LUL (personally i would just play the game and you will get better aim)

PussyJett [#6]

dont use aimlab or something! its bullshit! do it only when you struggle to hit targets. if you play aimlab or something you will be good at hitting targets but not headshots and in this game you have to finish your enemies quick. pro gamers and iron silver followers use aimlab because the pros who get paid by this tools say so. its important to practise and train your arm/wrist, keys (deathmatch, unranked) and study yourself what you can do best or not! its important to find out what kind of player you are first like youre a duelist or more defensive/supporter player. you will have to play hundreds of hour before you realize you get better. dont rush it to much. i can tell the most impostant thing in this game is movement and to be able perfectly use your keys and abilities. think about what keybinds you wanna use from the beginning since its confusing later switching buttons. master your movement, jigglepeek/jumppeek and your keys and if you have a good crosshairplacement you will be good in a few months imo. i WOuld recommend playing sage, raze, omen, phoenix, killjoy for the start. dont play ranked before you feel like you can decide matches with your skills since you could get really low ranked and it sucks to level up your rank when you are at the very bottom since it will take a lot of time leveling up. trust me when it comes to this! you will regret playing ranked without knowing the game and the rank system will frustrate you a lot! watch some streams and try yourself some tricks and stuff.

+1 Best advice for a new player.

New players looking at pros use aim labs think they need to do it. That's only for warming up / practicing and improving mouse control. The way you get better is by playing the game. Nothing else. Consistency is key for everything in life, even games so if you want to get better practice correctly and consistently!

Dell [#8]

+1 Best advice for a new player.

New players looking at pros use aim labs think they need to do it. That's only for warming up / practicing and improving mouse control. The way you get better is by playing the game. Nothing else. Consistency is key for everything in life, even games so if you want to get better practice correctly and consistently!

i mean pros only play aimlab for sponsor, its dogshit really. kovaaks can be really good but still not necessary, just deathmatch works equally if not better

Mememeister1 [#7]

MEMELAB LUL (personally i would just play the game and you will get better aim)

i mean if u wanna get good quicker use aimlabs

ravissant [#9]

i mean pros only play aimlab for sponsor, its dogshit really. kovaaks can be really good but still not necessary, just deathmatch works equally if not better

see this man has the right idea

ravissant [#9]

i mean pros only play aimlab for sponsor, its dogshit really. kovaaks can be really good but still not necessary, just deathmatch works equally if not better

I think certain aspects of aimlabs can actually be really useful, but only in certain scenarios. If you're a diamond-immortal player looking for concentrated aim improvement, 30 minutes of it + a little bit of deathmatch is the best way of improving your aim. Also, for brand new players it can help you learn the basics of aim in fps and can help you harness your skills. However, in a lot of cases it's pretty useless because the best way to improve is almost always to 1) get coaching and 2) play a lot.

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