who is gonna replace chamber?

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ok so the guys who were playing jett almost every map, the last of them tenZ also started playing chamber because its logical thing to do, chamber is insane

we heard riot is planning to nerf chamber in the future patches like nerf chamber real hard, maybe trademark range shorter and time for restore longer, less bullets maybe 6 for deagle

in that case, when switching back to a duelist which works on all maps like how jett worked in all maps, people can't play jett anymore due to the current jett nerf, will raze become the next main duelist like no.1 duelist out of all, like how jett was, i personally feel raze is insanely well designed and explosive as f in damages


yoru/reyna so u can get away from an unfavorable fight if u have an op


No duelist should work on all maps, jett and chamber were unbalanced and therefore always worked extremely well in any situation. Chamber wont get replaced nor jett bc they have their own role atp, they play the opper role. If theres going to be an agent that can be played well on all maps like old jett, id say neon, but ofc it doesnt mean shes the best pick for all maps. Shes just decent on all of them. (Neon > raze on breeze, even though i think raze is stronger on most maps especially with fade)

moatz [#2]

yoru/reyna so u can get away from an unfavorable fight if u have an op

yoru takes too long to tp and you're dead on reyna if you don't get a kill. I can see Jett coming back to the forefront.


if they nerf chamber jett will come back in meta, rn the reason why neon/raze are being used so much is because they can still have a awper as a chamber. I do think though chamber breaks all fundamentals of awping and makes the role way too easy so we might also see a future where jett awping might not exist because people play agents like neon/raze/kayo/breach so it makes Jett awping impossible as compared to awping on chamber. Pros always prove these takes wrong though so I wouldn't be surprised to see TenZ or yay go back to awping on jett.


jett, but if you look at some teams in asia, they still use a lot of jett even now so it’s not like she got completely out of meta when chamber came.


yoru supremacy soon

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