Tomorrow + General Masters Thoughts

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FPX (2) vs Northeption (1)
I want NTH here but I just don't see them beating this FPX team even with a sub. Shao looks absolutely incredible and ardiis is right there with him. So long as Ange1 and Seider up their individual performances, FPX will have no problem with NTH. IF they don't tho, I can see NTH sneaking by FPX and into playoffs, led by Meteor who is definitely one of the top players at this event in terms of firepower.

OpTic (2) vs KRU (0)
Call me biased, but OpTic is not losing here, no way. They've been here before with these exact stakes, and I have no doubt that Chet and FNS will be well prepared for KRU. For KRU, I believe it depends very much on Keznit and Mazino. If those 2 can't step up and carry the weight, there is no way KRU will get by a rejuvenated OpTic. They also have to figure out how to shut down Yay, but their playstyle is not like Guild's calculated style at all, so I don't see them doing so. FNS is going to run rings around KRU calling, and the rest of the roster will go to work.

Guild - Amazing how well they've done so far with such little experience (besides koldamenta). I can definitely see them going far with how good Leo and Trexx have been looking. Their playstyle and calling looks amazing as well. Stats aside, I think Russ has been providing a lot of impact that just doesn't show up with numbers. If the numbers start coming as well, watch out for Guild top 3.

DRX - Looking good once again. But, they also looked this good in last Masters group stage. However, 1 difference. After losing 13-8 in map 1 against FPX against a dominant Shao, you could tell DRX's mental wasn't shaken and they bounced back with 2x 13-6. Rb has also looked way better with FK and fragging this time around. I'm keeping an eye on them to go far.

This masters has been nothing short of incredible thus far. The production has been pretty solid, and the games have all been great. Even the LB1 of each group are so tight, something we aren't really used to in these international events. The gap is really closing between all the regions and the games have been so fun to watch because of it. Here's to continued success and exciting Valorant! (PS. I feel so bad for Loud. Was definitely ready to cheer for them, but unfortunately they ran into OpTic. They deserved the playoff seed more than Leviatan. But they'll be back)


Ratio + biased? + Didn't read + L post + L user + NT!


Upvoted + based + read + W post + W user + WP


floptic will flop


where G2


You didn't have to do him like that.


Your thoughts about OPTC / KRÜ seems really on point.... but man, even i didn't believe that KRÜ could defeat Loud, so expect the unexpected.

I think that if Chet and FNS studied KRÜ correctly, can be in their favour. My doubt is did they expected to play KRÜ at some point? can KRÜ be really studied/predicted enough, considering their playstyle?

No doubt will be a banger tho. GL to the guys!


We will see. It will for sure be a good match! I hope I don't get too stressed during it.

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