asuna on sage

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i loved him moving to flex, perfect playstyle for him, best role change right behind boaster moving to smokes, but him playing sage on icebox is so painful, ifs like he's a beast behind chains, knowing what asuna does on icebox, sage is probably the most miserable role for him, he cannot do aggressive walls on defense because retake, he cannot risk dying while being aggressive on attack because without his wall planting is hell, him playing this role of being support and bomb bitch is a waste of potential


Bruh, XSETS comp shuts down agressive plays so well. I would say, if asuna was on jett or reyna right now, he would be having a tougher time


Imo derrek could play sage but asuna would need to be like nukkye and play sova so idk

TheHardStuckImmortal [#2]

Bruh, XSETS comp shuts down agressive plays so well. I would say, if asuna was on jett or reyna right now, he would be having a tougher time

imean not reyna, i know will is their primary duelist/awper but i really think he should be the sage player on icebox and asuna should be on raze, but then again im just a girl on her keyboard online, sean gares definitely knows better and clearly knows what hes doing, maybe will being on sage wouldve been wasted potential for him, we underrate will because he isnt as popular as asuna, but hes a great player, but as a long time asunaWEEB watcher, i just feel bad seeing him be bomb bitch


The problem is 100T dont have a dedicated oper and dont abuse this chamber meta. If they did they 100% would qual to Copenhagen

HaSanity [#3]

Imo derrek could play sage but asuna would need to be like nukkye and play sova so idk

asuna would probably jump around and throw reveals to bind dont do this to him

Forsity [#5]

The problem is 100T dont have a dedicated oper and dont abuse this chamber meta. If they did they 100% would qual to Copenhagen

they play pretty well, really good fundamental valorant, going this far without an awp abuse shows that you really dont NEED chamber and comps dont matter and unless and until you have smokes you can make any comp work if you play to its strengths, they cant do optic level comps (which im sure sean gares would love to implement ) because theyre relatively new, they are trying to build their identity rn and really, is it bad if we see a team that tries to play differently


Overrated asuna at it again

imperfecto [#8]

Overrated asuna at it again

if youve ever seen asuna play, youll know hes probably one of the best entry fraggers and aggressive duelists, the problem was jett was everywhere and he wasnt a good oper and that hindered his playstyle a lot, but on kayo and skye, hes unleashed, i just wish he doesnt have to play sage

amyayayy [#7]

they play pretty well, really good fundamental valorant, going this far without an awp abuse shows that you really dont NEED chamber and comps dont matter and unless and until you have smokes you can make any comp work if you play to its strengths, they cant do optic level comps (which im sure sean gares would love to implement ) because theyre relatively new, they are trying to build their identity rn and really, is it bad if we see a team that tries to play differently

No at all, in fact the reason Im rooting for them is cuz they're trying to innovate and play the game differently, but in this meta I feel like not having a chamber puts them at a huge disadvantage.

Forsity [#10]

No at all, in fact the reason Im rooting for them is cuz they're trying to innovate and play the game differently, but in this meta I feel like not having a chamber puts them at a huge disadvantage.

yes, especially on icebox fracture and ascent/haven.not abusing chamber costs them i think youre fine without chamber on breeze (hot take) split and maybe bind, chamber on bind would definitely help tho

amyayayy [#11]

yes, especially on icebox fracture and ascent/haven.not abusing chamber costs them i think youre fine without chamber on breeze (hot take) split and maybe bind, chamber on bind would definitely help tho

Yep, also I agree with the breeze take. LG and C9 play breeze without a chamber and they do just fine on it.

Forsity [#12]

Yep, also I agree with the breeze take. LG and C9 play breeze without a chamber and they do just fine on it.

yes, cypher cam has to be the 3rd best piece of util on breeze after viper wall and sova dart. but on maps like fracture, not playing chamber unless you have insane nerdy cypher setups (even then, the raze spam is gonna fuck you up) is kinda troll and yes 100t plays chamber there but its very different from what other teams do


yeah he should play rEyNa


yup watching him on sage is so hard it totally ruins his playstyle which i really love
life would be so easy if asuna could play sova so derrek could be on sage bc then it would be ggs


I said the exact same thing. Please have Asuna play more raze/kayo and maybe even neon. He doesnt belong on such supportive agents like fade and sage

amyayayy [#13]

yes, cypher cam has to be the 3rd best piece of util on breeze after viper wall and sova dart. but on maps like fracture, not playing chamber unless you have insane nerdy cypher setups (even then, the raze spam is gonna fuck you up) is kinda troll and yes 100t plays chamber there but its very different from what other teams do

Yea im aware that their chamber playstyle is very different on fracture compared to other teams but as long as it works it works ig

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