what i feel about na playoff teams

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first, ill start w the teams i think are the top 3.this is my opinion, if you feel like i left a good team, i have my reasons but again, its my opinion.

100t, ghost, eg

100t plays really well as a team, is hard to read, have simple but great strats, a shit ton of potential to improve and if they make coppenhagen and get good experience, theyll be a top team
eg has insane strats for eco rounds and full buy rounds, great comps, get the meta perfectly and have players that can actually fit the roles the comps require, insane util usage , they need to get their fundamentals a little bit better and theyll be a top team too.
ghost is similar to eg, but their fundamentals are way better, they play like the guard used to in stage 1 and nismo is definitely top 3 flex NA.

now ill go to teams that are great but have some flaws
optic, nrg, xset

optic- won masters, deserved it, great team. but they wont make masters 2 in my opinion. they have great comps, great igl, INSANE individual players but so many of their rounds come down to hero plays by yay or marved, i vod reviewed their game with lg yesterday and they failed to convert a LOT of first bloods into round wins and they won so many rounds just coz an individual player clutched up, i feel like teams i mentioned above will punish this.

nrg- great individual players but theyre the team liquid of NA, they try too wacky comps and most of the times it ends up not working coz they dont play to the strengths of it, they play passively with an aggressive comp for example, the only time i saw them play to their comp was vs guard on split (they didnt on bind either), if they fix this i think they can make it but rip lower brackets

xset- the 4th place team, i always wondered why but when i saw their games, it was apparent, they are too readable with strats, basic. zekken cryo and depphh are great players but depphh plays too aggressive with astra and sometimes plays initiator too, which is bad in my opinion because if you keep changing roles, its gonna harm you, as a result ive seen him dry peek w breach a LOT and just dying, if they fix things like this theyll finally break their curse

now, lg and faze

i really dont think these teams are bad by any means btw they qualified for a reason, lg doesnt deserve lower brackets either

lg- great mechanically, but they have fundamental issues, i vod reviewed them yesterday, they couldnt smoke a chamber trap, they couldnt play to the strengths of their double duelist comps, but hey mada is top 3 raze for sure, bdog is insane, moose is a great sentinel, they can make it for sure too but theres so much they need to fix, rn they have the rosterless buff and it would be really funny if they made masters from that pov lmao.

faze- babybay dicey and supamen carry this team im not even kidding, they really really come down to hero plays by them, insane players btw but again as a team theyre just too ranked game rn. supamen is a great smokes player tho, ihave loved him since rise.


yeah bro, nobody cars about what u think unless u have 4 stars
so just edit it to " my king is Dr.Doofz", u will get 4 stars instantly


i care and i posted it coz i felt like it


also no one is gonna care when you start out with your Top 3 and Optic isnt there


i listed why i think they arent top 3, mark this thread and come back when they dont make masters, i mean they might too theyre a great team i never said theyre bad

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