Flag: Iceland
Registered: November 2, 2021
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 2:11 AM
Posts: 1511
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Yea I mean Sen not making Shanghai was pretty much written the moment they decided to go on the most grueling run of the entire VCT circuit. A 2 week break after that kind of a run is definitely not nearly enough downtime to rest and take a break

posted 1 month ago

Literally everyone including tenz was shitting the bed when it came to aim duels for almost the entire game. Tenz showed up at the end of Sunset and Sacy showed up in the beginning of Bind, zekken was kinda here and there.
You cant possibly be blaming a single player especially a support player when the whole team is absolutely crumbling

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

do you realize what you wrote in your own comment? This is hella ironic im genuinely laughing so hard rn

posted 1 month ago

it wasnt even a nerf tho. PRX played at pretty much the same level they did with something. Why do you think CGRS was given such massive praise by everyone at the event and everyone watching it?
The level of play didnt significantly increase with Something and if anything they were far less disciplined and overheated WAAAY more when something came back which cost them key rounds in many games and even during the GF against EG.
The only thing that changed was their consistency map to map and their comp prep which again really wouldnt have made much of a difference considering their oppositions best maps and perma bans

posted 1 month ago

Im not so convinced, its like the Loud 3-1 in champs. Loud were so obviously the better team in that tournament and just because they had close maps doesnt mean anything. If you lose multiple maps in a grand finals and you arent able to pull out your 120% to win the game then youre just the worse team no 2 ways about it.
FNC winning 3 maps in a row just goes to show that theyre that much better regardless of the map scores. And if you wanna pull out the map scores to argue that had they won 1 more round they couldve posed a challenge then im sure i could look thhrough the match and make an even more bulletproof argument that FNC had more unlucky rounds that were taken away from them.
SEN in 2021 had a bunch of close maps in iceland but didnt lose a single one. That just goes to show how much better they are at closing out games than everyone else competing

posted 1 month ago

what top teams were nerfed in tokyo lil bro?

posted 1 month ago

You could argue this for so many teams that made deep runs and some that won tourneys as well. Loud faced literally nobodies in Champs 22 but they very obviously were the best team at the event, EG faced garbage until the upper finals and lower finals and then PRX threw the GF, Optic have literally never had a difficult run for their entire 1 year podium placements (they at most had 1 difficult game and 1 thrown away game (typically DRX)).
Theres never an argument for why a tournament is a fluke because for the past 3 years of valorant there has never been a tournament where there were more than 4 genuinely good teams (usually only 2 of which have a real chance at winning).

posted 1 month ago

bro really said out loud "Im gonna waste my peace of mind and think about this meaningless post on a shit forum just so i can prove im right to someone i dont know"
Thats embarrassing dawg

posted 1 month ago

TBF tho Navi are always dogshit in regionals and turn up when it comes to international tourneys. I mean theyve literally only ever won 1 regional and that was before they started trolling with their comps and roles

posted 1 month ago

not to mention it had a "like-champs" bundle that was split 50-50 with the teams that attended (something no masters have ever even remotely had)

posted 1 month ago

So for all those reasons FNC were not the best team at the event? Just help make it make sense

posted 1 month ago

oh i love reading the absolute copium from every single one of you. Delusions gotta be by far the most entertaining thing to see on VLR

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

its a fact tho zekken was only the best because aspas wasnt there. Zekken is a great player but the best in the world is excessive. The competition definitely wasnt at its best but Sen at their peak could easily compete with the best of the best

posted 1 month ago

I mean is he wrong tho?

posted 1 month ago

Genuinely this feels almost as bad as 2021 SEN, like bro please stop glazing them like there has been no other team in history with this level of play (there has been way better in the past cough cough loud 2022). I rlly feel like ending my life everytime someone glazes them for narrowly beating Loud on their own map pick and only destroying them on sunset because Loud were out of it (Im not even gonna talk about how useless it is to analyse that furia game). What happens to this team when they face real opposition that tests their calling and midrounding and what happens when theyre pushed into a corner with no more timeouts?
They just dont look like a loud or sen to me and i havent seen a single bit of whats needed out of a team to win a championship

posted 1 month ago

it cant even be called a problem anymore tho cause it only ever does happen when they NEED a crazy play and when they have almost no chance at winning the round unless the opponents throw

posted 1 month ago

but thats not a game sense problem thats a discipline problem which hes worked on and almost never happens unless a risk needs to be taken in an unwinnable round to potentially bring it back

posted 1 month ago

good job, you just toppled your entire argument with a single sentence response

posted 1 month ago

couldnt have said it better myself

posted 1 month ago

yay was better tho on c9 and still had glimpses of his optic self but that all was gone when he went down in teammate quality and coach quality

posted 1 month ago

shahz was truly the only guy in sen trying to make a change but was given 0 authority to do so (I guess zombs got rawkus to join which is smth)

posted 1 month ago

Dapr probably wouldnt take the offer to play with them tho considering hes already set on OXG to win Ascension and keep the team chem into next year.
Hes learned from SEN that he should aim for long term success and not risk short term glory

posted 1 month ago

It told the story for Demon1 and C9 just proved today that their scrim results actually meant something so who knows

posted 1 month ago

Aspas is what made them close to being a superteam. If Tuyz was performing like this last year this team wouldve won the whole year man

posted 1 month ago

they are most definitely cooked. These mfs lost to C9 x_x

posted 1 month ago

nah its actually crazy how NRG is looking like the new SEN fanbase. I love marved and ethan but just looking at the weird fans really gives me a weird feeling whenever i want NRG to win and actually be the superteam people all say they are

posted 1 month ago

the NRG cope is insane and this is coming from the hardest SEN coper in history x_x

posted 1 month ago

it was a blow out, you didnt miss much

posted 1 month ago

yea let PRX the great disappointment keep cooking so they can consistently underperform when it matters the most

posted 1 month ago

The other dude already mentioned how they havent been with this negative mindset ever since they showed they were a top team (Copenhagen) so ill just talk about how Monyet is such a benefit to thte team.
Ive been so down on monyet and i dont think hes a good raze player, BUT I do think this dude is FAR better than Mindfreak on controller and is way more consistent. The dude after he finally got comfortable is easily putting up 0.95+ rating every single game meanwhile mindfreak is busy throwing every single impact kill hes given.
Monyet is also a hella positive guy, on a roster that were all down in the dumps and didnt believe in their potential monyet was the only one that was ever smiling and enjoyed his time on the team. Even after losing the dude kept talking about how he was glad he was able to make improvements and increase his chemistry with the team. Ffs he was the only reason PRX even managed to get a single map off Sen, all the other maps apart from map 1 were HORRENDOUS.

TL;DR this team wont make it anywhere if they dont make a change and start getting rid of the players that hold them back (MINDFREAK). Mindfreak hasnt had any semblance of a world class performance since Tokyo. His Rating, KD, ACS, AND EVEN KAST have been so mid for over a year now. The guy doesnt even have any passion to play the game, hes in it for the money, WHY KEEP HIM ON THE ROSTER??

posted 1 month ago

Mindfreak literally is worse than monyet esp on the smokes. Just place monyet on smokes now that hes comfortable and is actually providing a ton of impact for the team.
PRX need to change something cause having the veto advantage in the GF in a game where Com (their biggest problem in the UF) wasnt firing like he was the prior game is unacceptable. They need to do something even if that means replacing integral pieces like Forsaken or Something (or mindfreak who isnt as integral) because sticking with the roster youve had so many chances with already will only lead to the same conclusions just like we saw with DRX and currently Navi

posted 1 month ago

then just get rid off their worst player (mindfreak) and replace him with the guy that was the only reason PRX managed to take a single map off Sentinels (Monyet)

posted 1 month ago

for real x_x

posted 1 month ago

"Where was M3C at Copenhagen" dumbass argument, yes they didnt keep up with FPX but FPX just had insane firepower and ridiculous amount of chemistry at the time that they were unbeatable. They were by far the best team at the time no questions asked.

Meta doesnt matter when the level of play far exceeds anyone whos conforming to the meta. M3C simply fell off, doesnt mean they werent at a peak that was beyond most other teams in the world at the time.

posted 1 month ago

"fluked out TWO trophies" is such an oxymoronic statement. Also FNC were probably the least fluke-like winners weve seen since Sen and GMB 2021
But i do agree he isnt at an FNS or Saadhak level of calling

posted 1 month ago

Reykjavik 2022 was the start of chamber dominance but the best teams at the time (FPX, FNC, M3C dont even argue with me) didnt run it. They looked so good and very clearly the highest level of play we had ever seen up to that point.

posted 1 month ago

well yea i think thats obvious and thats clearly something theyre gonna be working on (and probably something they alr did before kickoff and just didnt get the chance to show it off)

posted 1 month ago

I feel like FNC are just gonna get back to dominating the scene again. Theyve had a long enough break from the game and theyve been shown that they gotta start trying again if they wanna win. With the players they have I really dont see what team can stop them

posted 1 month ago

I mean I was kind of in on shroud. Really if they signed him quicker right after the split ended or even at the beginning of the year I feel like that team would potentially own NA, probably top 4 team. If it wasnt for franchising I feel like there wouldve been a chance they kept shroud if Loud didnt let go of pancada and sacy and if Xset stayed together.
Just add a real coach and bam you got a real competitive roster

posted 1 month ago

I feel like boasters take about Madrid is something ive been thinking and ive been saying here and there about how the level of play just doesn't really stack up very well to champs. You could give the argument that its the beginning of the year but i mean 2022 Iceland era teams were crazy from the get go due to it being the second year of the main esports circuit.
It really feels like SEN and GenG would at most make top 6 at Champs taking FNCs and DRXs spots (and whoever else was around there).

Will we see FNC teaching these new teams how to play the game properly at a high level?

posted 1 month ago

EMEA - Gotta be FNC
CH - who cares? they suck

posted 1 month ago

Sentinels won that MUST mean that Furia are top 15 AT LEAST in the world right?

posted 1 month ago

100T qualified for a champs and beat a top team, what have sen done?

posted 1 month ago

Nah man the real sen fans are the most loyal in the entire Valorant community

posted 1 month ago

fr the C9 fan said SEN is a megacorp x_x

posted 1 month ago

bro found the script x_x

posted 1 month ago
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