Flag: Iceland
Registered: November 2, 2021
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 2:11 AM
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thats cause it isnt international anymore its just eu

posted about 2 years ago

this is my first time seeing someone smart on vlr
i completely agree man

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

you still gotta aim in ow tho

posted about 2 years ago

damn rip

posted about 2 years ago

was it delayed? the valorant stream isnt starting

posted about 2 years ago

eeehh dn abt this one

posted about 2 years ago

i do agree that tenz needs to become more consistent and also his maps against liquid and kru (other than split against kru) were actually pretty good, even when he wasnt getting kills he got a load of info and he still entried for them. Split on the otherhand it just felt like a 4v5 and that last round play with the flash wouldve gotten him back in the game i feel. Maybe Tenz is just bad on split cause i dont think ive seen him ever pop off on that map after he joined SEN. Also hes been practicing the op and its very clear how its still very raw and its not the greatest, id say next tourney once hes better on the op he'll get more comf on split and the team will finally be able to focus on high level strats instead of fixing team comps before the biggest tourney

posted about 2 years ago

and even that wasnt too bad looking from how x10 performed against gambit. Id say that the fact that envy won the game they were doing bad and lost the ones yay was popping off just goes to show at how good x10 is and not how far envy has dropped

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly he sadi that before champs success tho, so maybe off of this success he'll look for more opportunities in Val

posted about 2 years ago

Welp i guess this aint the case anymore huh, dude x10 is going crazy man

posted about 2 years ago

Team Secret 100% they were a lot more convincing against Gambit at first, i feel like if they can gain the confidence by beating Vikings theyre on their way to getting to the finals

posted about 2 years ago

Damn fans go crazy.
The point of the ruling is to punish clear offenses, it has nothing to do with who is better or not. If VK was better then they shouldnt have even used the exploit in the first place since apparently they outplayed Acend so much. Also the results from the rematch were... lets put it, conclusive

posted about 2 years ago

I think Fnatic has gotten a lot better since last time, theyre set plays are working better and theyre a lot more consistent individually which was their biggest weakness before. If we were talking about the previous fnatic then yea this wouldve been an upset but honestly looking back at the redbull cup it shouldve been clear that fnatic have advanced a lot

posted about 2 years ago

Yea bro just you guys watch, they gonna stomp their way to the finals man

posted about 2 years ago

After watching a few clips i was disappointed at the fact that C9 shouldve easily won due to their amazing play styles but the problem was at some points it just looked like they didnt feel like winning the round. I wanna see a more fresh C9 against a big team like FNC in the upcoming matches

posted about 2 years ago

G2 is better than FNC? XD youre funny bro

posted about 2 years ago

ikr? In what world is a 2 times qualifying for LAN team winning against a first time qualing in 3rd place team an upset

posted about 2 years ago

bruh vlr should just be renamed to "that didnt age well" actually so dumb

posted about 2 years ago

lol cool, says the guy with an india flair xD

posted about 2 years ago

didnt bang get dropped

posted about 2 years ago

Since Secret/Bren didnt play on LAN im really looking forward to them against any of the teams that made it to elimination rounds in the previous LAN. I just wanna see what theyre capable of doing against these big teams cause they pretty handedly beat PRX in the finals so i think theyd be able to bring a lot to the table.
I definitely really wanna see the all new and improved C9 v SEN rematch i think that would be sick
Vision Strkers v SEN is another big one as well as SEN v GMB as i think everyone wants to see.
I think thats pretty much it for the really interesting matches for me, im not gonna be watching any Vivo Keyd matches nor will i be watching any of the matches from CR, KRU, VIK, or ACE. I think theyve shown everything theyve got and honestly it isnt very entertaining, Team Liquid might not be very consistent especially with all of the rounds they throw even in their better matches, but when theyre doing good its really fun to watch them

posted about 2 years ago

How is CR v Gmb an anticipated matchup, that sounds like the most clearly Gmb match ive heard ever.
For the Japan region i really dont see anything going for them other than a few yoru plays here and there but for some reason they arent able to bring it into international (probably because they know it wont work in higher skill matches)
For Brazil and Latam (though not to as big of an extent) I also really dont see any major potential to win any of these matches. At most they would provide an entertaining match but against a team like GMB or C9 even I dont think they have any hope of winning, in fact i think seeing from what PRX were able to do on LAN im more looking forward to SEA competing (though sadly PRX didnt qualify for even the LCQ since they finally were able to get it together in the last few tourneys)

posted about 2 years ago
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