Flag: India
Registered: August 3, 2021
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 2:23 PM
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When did GE and VLT get consistent playtime against strong teams and consistent scrims with good teams on good ping? GE had the chance to help India develop by giving our players exposure and look what they came up with.

posted about a year ago

I don't support them anymore, haven't been supporting them for a while. Its a dogshit org which got in Franchising because they were the only slightly competent Indian org with an application. They made bullshit promises and kept making our naive fans cum by saying #HelloIndia while having 0 Indians in the roster lmao. Yet our fans will keep defending them

posted about a year ago

I don't understand how you can watch the Lock In video and say the chemistry was off lmao, they were all having so much fun even while losing

posted about a year ago

Idk, I haven't been watching their games. I watched a bit of first game where Wronski was looking a little clueless on pearl. Don't really care as long either Rossi or LF are in the playing 5

posted about a year ago

I hope they do, and they probably will anyway

posted about a year ago

Prx need to let him rifle

posted about a year ago

I said not everyone is a CS fan to mean that there's a good chance he might not have heard who Coldzera is.

posted about a year ago

Coldzera isn't even close to faker. So many people might not even know Coldzera. Why are your panties in a bunch just because someone said who to coldzera lol

posted about a year ago

I don't think they'll be able to beat FNC, Fut is possible and but imo TL will pick up pace now and contest both Navi/FNC

posted about a year ago

Tbf I don't think he's much better than Fit1nho anyway. Both are inconsistent, plus fit1nho is Spanish and a part of the org since a long time

posted about a year ago

Sadly 7ssk7 is stuck on a shit team

posted about a year ago

He went outta loyalty towards his brother probably

posted about a year ago

Not everyone is a CS fan

posted about a year ago

Scream got 2 kills and a 0.22 rating on duelist in the 2nd map.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

They were amazing, also they should never sub off Atakaptan, he uses his util to support to well

posted about a year ago

Wait nvm 5 month ago post wtf

posted about a year ago

Hellranger has no ego about this kinda shit tho lol.

Storax meanwhile.......

posted about a year ago

Shut the fuck up you clown

posted about a year ago

Oh lol, I misinterpreted your comment my bad

Sure btw.

posted about a year ago

i actually like brazillians but a lot of you are actually showing your true colours in this thread lmao. being racist while the guy is fakeflagging, pathetic pos.

posted about a year ago

Not taking part in any argument but he took Magnum over Lauress because Lauress's English was shit

posted about a year ago

You realise different countries mean its just harder to build synergy since its player from different cultures right? Also boaster couldn't go to finals but he did come close, he placed 4th in Copenhagen with Enzo and Alfajer

posted about a year ago

Nah mate this is not it, in 2021 Leo and Sayf were the shining stars on Guild and he was doing it on the initiator role. Even in 2022, when Trexx came and Sayf was the duelist he was still amazing and fragged out a lot on initiators. Imo him doing all of this on initiators made him the best outta 3

posted about a year ago

The game has been growing a LOT, valorant is very very popular in India rn (a fact that even I didn't realise until a little while ago). Anyone who's new to pc games, and their a lot of people like that in India rn especially the college gamers are starting with Valorant. If you'd ask around on a non gaming Indian sub about what pc games they play, most would answer valorant.

However the esports scene is pretty stagnant in terms of audience. This goes for all of Indian esports, not just Valorant. Even BGMI/Pubg has stagnated a lot, I believe its because of the overinflation during lockdown. It will probably remain like this for a while until a big new games come out or an Indian team does something unimaginable on the global stage. For Valorant competitive scene and new Indian players tho, signs are really positive and their are a lot of younger people grinding the game which should boost the scene because a small percentage of that population will inevitably look towards the competitive scene. What GE is doing tho rn does no favours to the Indian scene, people will support for a while but will lose interest soon if there's no Indian players because after all who cares about just an org.

posted about a year ago

If they don't play Indian players soon ,the support will start dwindling pretty fast

posted about a year ago

His original paragraph makes no sense, sponsors only pretty much care about the fans because they're ones that bring them money. Its why many shittiest teams has huge sponsors like RCB in IPL because they have a lot of fans. Also not only winning does not give you many fans, international fans also wouldnt bring any profit to the sponsors anyway.

posted about a year ago

Maybe, but your initial comment doesn't say that and it just sounds like a 10 yo talking . You should edit that lol

posted about a year ago

I'd agree but GE has literally played 1 match with Rossi in which they won a map against Vitality which is a pretty good team. Also no sponsors would push for 0 Indian players in the roster, the sponsors you're talking about sponsor GE because it has a grasp on Indian fanbase, you think they'd be happy losing the entire Indian fanbase? No team gets fans by just winning otherwise the old FPX lineup would've been very clouted yet they weren't even after winning a international lan, same for Acend too.

posted about a year ago

Bro what?

posted about a year ago

Optic India has never beaten MVP Pk bruv lol

posted about a year ago

I don't think you can call Sumail Pakistani tho, he's Pakistani American. If you're calling him Pakistani, his TI winning teammate Universe aka Saahil Arora who's Indian American can be called Indian too

posted about a year ago

Lol Indian CS scene being developed is a fucking joke narrative, which has been peddled by people who never watched Indian CS. I watched Indian CS from 16 to 20, we were never any good nor did we have any viewers. India had a decent and dedicated playerbase in 1.6, never in CSGO.

posted about a year ago

Turkey and Brazil were the same 2 years ago, big fanbases but lack of talent. 2 years later they've made it, in the same way India will make it too but it will take longer because Brazil and Turkey already had a cs scene which means their playerbase was able to adapt quicker meanwhile India is newer to both pc games as well as tac fps

posted about a year ago

Compared to DM, he has multitudes of better achievements lol

posted about a year ago

Lol no. Deathmaker is terribly inconsistent and sleeps against good teams

posted about a year ago

Good game, which Godlike permanently played with Paradox and Blackhawk this split

posted about a year ago

Tbf PRX peak achievement is better than DRX

posted about a year ago

We don't even hate them lol, they are ones who start the shittalk for no reason

posted about a year ago

Which lol

posted about a year ago

Kraif is their GC coach not Kappa. Hellranger is making content in GE, how's that related the the valorant roster. Skillz in nowhere to be seen. What is this dogshit comparison, you have a weird bias against GE for no reason. I dislike GE management just as much as you, probably more rn but in this case they tried their best to remove bad players for Franchising.

posted about a year ago

What a huge step from last match. From 22/30 with 0.64 rating to 72/44 with 1.44 rating (302) ACS on KJ

posted about a year ago

Then I remembered the opposite lol, it was 9-3 halves right?

posted about a year ago

Oh alr, havent been watching pro valorant recently. It looked a bit skewed towards defenders during lock in, especially that Navi vs Kru match. But maybe that was just because it was a new map

posted about a year ago

W unbiased doggo

posted about a year ago

Lotus is one of the easiest to play defense on right? Why are they trying to agrro push every round

posted about a year ago

Aight bud

posted about a year ago

He looks chad with a dogshit hairline and frizzy ass hair?

posted about a year ago

I mean everyone uses their unique time zones but alr. Regarding your question, they probably put it out today because it would have been even more obvious tommorow lmao

posted about a year ago
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