Country: United Kingdom
Registered: June 22, 2022
Last post: January 14, 2023 at 2:15 PM
Posts: 332
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No way you said that when we have TenZedZombie, Twitter Troll, Worldbest Controller and Sussy in the team

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ShahZam - Ion Operator
Sinatraa - Green Oni Phantom
TenZ - Red Reaver Vandal
SicK - Prime Phantom
zombs - Blastx Spectre
dapr - Sovereign Sword
shroud - Purple Singularity Phantom
Asuna - Recon Phantom
yay - Yellow Prime Vandal
Marved - White Neptune Vandal
Cryo - Chamber Headhunter πŸ’€

PROD - Champions Vandal

posted about a year ago

fax no printer

posted about a year ago

#1 Valorant Player on Launch
Best Sova Player in the world (Diffs AverageJonas allday anyday)
Best Movement
"aigh beh" "no cap" "braindead"
Sigma male
Best player on SEN before the revamp

posted about a year ago

Boaster is fucking 27 but fr how the fuck is he 27 and looks like the youngest player on the teamπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

too much activity for the average vlr user

posted about a year ago


India doesn't have too many proven players for T1
Indonesia has


RRQ is literally reusing a T2 team
GE is trying to build a T1 team


RRQ has literally promised 3 Indos and barely signed 2 after getting a warning from Riot
GE has 2 indian players which is good

posted about a year ago

everyone in ge is t1. i believe

posted about a year ago

Tenz going demon mode in Reykjavik
Sinatraa smurfing in Pro League
Shahz Operator making the enemy ragequit (zombs reference too)
zombs being known as the Nr 1 Smoker in the Game
SicK being the best Flex and Clutcher in the Game
dapr knifing everybody πŸ’€πŸ’€

God I will miss this team

Goodluck to SEN 2023

posted about a year ago

Since Sacy is our primary initiator we only need flex yeah? I would rather have TenZ throw flashes and play aggressively on his own too while zekken slays the shit out of the enemies with his raze. Take an example of Asuna. He was like a Duelist Demon and then became a Kayo Flex and is still valid af

posted about a year ago

I mean Asuna could too so why cant TenZ

posted about a year ago

"mechanical skills are solid"

bro has like the best mechanics in the game apart from yay and a few others and still only said "solid"

posted about a year ago

Oh its a i5-7400 with 4 cores and no Overclocking

posted about a year ago

Gtx 1050 while having absolutely no other tasks open and with alot of optimization

Keep in mind its only 240fps for a few seconds then it drops again and during gunfights my pc sometimes just gives up πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

100t cant lose with Daddycells

posted about a year ago

Alr imma check that out

posted about a year ago

I tried OW2 too and it was darn Unplayable. It would go to 240fps and then drop to 30 go back and forth all the time. My 240hz is absolutely useless with this garbage gpu.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeye i thought of getting more ram aswell but i dunno if it will affect my game at all

posted about a year ago

Nah its a non Ti with 2gb vram πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

I thought of upgrading to a RX 580 but then itll Bottleneck my Cpu and upgrading a Cpu with Motherboard is a pain in the ass

posted about a year ago

Ong the card is like a little fucking toddler cries around all the time lag spikes ALL THE TIME cant average more than 120 on a fucking cartoon game dude

I dont know what i thought 3 years ago when i bought this prebuilt but this card is barely capable of running fortnite

posted about a year ago

If thats going to happen i will do a 36 month sub on tenz and kyedae respectively

posted about a year ago

Dude i have a gtx 1050 and i fucking want to break that shit with a hammer and then flush it down the toilet

posted about a year ago

Who is going to which team? I heard about FNC Leo

posted about a year ago

Yeah i got it i would be mad af

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

U using GE flair seriously or no ? just Curious

posted about a year ago

SEN 29-0 TBD

posted about a year ago

All Girls are the Same >

posted about a year ago

I might be biased but i was an Indonesian and if GE Lmemore gets confirmed I would be a genuine GE supporter

posted about a year ago

I have just recently got the drama behind it but ill explain it shortly

RRQ should be Indonesian Representative
RRQ promised 3 indo players
Indo fans had expectations
RRQ signed 5 Tier 2 Philipine players and 1 Indo player πŸ’€
Indo fans obviously mad

BTW some, or you could even say most Indo fans are now rather supporting GE than RRQ

posted about a year ago

I have just recently got the drama behind it but ill explain it shortly

RRQ should be Indonesian Representative
RRQ promised 3 indo players
Indo fans had expectations
RRQ signed 5 Tier 2 Philipine players and 1 Indo player πŸ’€
Indo fans obviously mad

posted about a year ago

Idk but i feel like how people write "I'd rather support GE...", that Indonesians originally have some kind of hatred against GE. Is that true?

posted about a year ago

Ye i did im going to stop now

posted about a year ago

kezn1t and Jinggg in the GOAT discussion? πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
supamen dapr better than nAts on viper? πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

faze is washed now its time to wash urself mf

posted about a year ago

top 5 players eu (easily)
top 5 viper players worldwide (easily)
top 5 GOAT
top 5 performers ever

won masters 3 and were runners up on champions no?

easily one of the GOATS

posted about a year ago

Mahesh "Marved" Deva is an Indian professional Valorant player for Optic Gaming, previously known as NV (Navyug Vidya-games), an electrical sports (e-sports) organisation in Assam, India . He is lovingly called jizmo, or more famously "dat cold boi" because of his expertise in coolant systems. He can often be found smoking in garage while TPing (Tele-Phoning) into girls' DM's.

Punjabi "FNS" Methamphetamine was a Dungeons and Dragons character who rolled a natural 20 on Intelligence and a natural 1 on Aim. After stacking enough points on his Intelligence stat he gained sentience and transcended into our reality, where he has since pursued careers as a professional player of tactical first person shooter "Counter-Strike" and its cartoon sequel "Valarante".

Yashwatthama "yay" Yadav is an Indian professional Valorant player for NV, an American electrical sports ( e-sports) organisation. He is also known as El Diablo aka the demon because of his mafia connections in his hometown, Haryana.

posted about a year ago


Doesn't have to do anything with asmr but this is pretty good too

posted about a year ago

Couldnt he also go to Team Secret?

posted about a year ago


would that work?

posted about a year ago

I know this is obviously satire but i have seen indonesians say that they'll rather support GE than ARGH ARGH Q like what is the matter rn

posted about a year ago

anybody elaborate? im late to the party πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

lil bro is here if tenz left

posted about a year ago

FNS and Victor on NRG no?

posted about a year ago

Oh fr is he that good? Excited af for his return

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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