Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 30, 2022
Last post: May 29, 2024 at 1:50 AM
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nah brazil is doing fine at least in the t1 scene

posted 11 months ago

fr shao looks decent but the rest of em look like that average nerd as fuck guy in every silly comedy movie

posted 11 months ago

these mfs must be the ugliest roster in valorant history what the fuck

except for ange1, he looks normal

posted 11 months ago

ofc any duelist in masters should diff ardiss if he keeps performing like his vct americas form

posted 11 months ago

EG 2-0 LFG

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro was flabbergasted

posted about a year ago

why be mad for a unrated game? just throw some music on and walk to death

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

asuna_yuuki, trialrunnr, subreezy and cresp (all based)

posted about a year ago

thats true i dont like ardiis but he deserves credits for stepping up these past games

also his playstyle seems to have changed, he is playing much more confident and aggressive

posted about a year ago

thats true, he really was hitting them but what if he doesnt? what if NRG goes to a semis or something and at the most important time he misses a couple? right now, i can DEFINETLY see this happening, but only time will tell. i hope he can live up to the fans expectations for the sake of NRG.

posted about a year ago

idk i really like NRG but i still think that ardiis will never be a good fit. he is so inconsistent, he can be like 40/10 and you’ll still doubt him if he buys an op.

posted about a year ago

afaik his english is beginners level

posted about a year ago

papo reto, tem gente que se incomoda com umas coisas nada a ver kkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

it wasnt trolling. it was good x bad readings, or mechanics diff. its NRG’s merit.

there’s some kind of vice going on about saying that X team trolled when it was actually Y reading and playing well in a unexpected situation.

posted about a year ago

but it is small. the point is that at this level of competition, small gaps can look like a abyss. NRG could have won bind or fracture if it werent for small details, and we would still be watching the game rn and not having this discussion.

posted about a year ago

did you see the match? 3-0 was a lucky score from loud being really honest. there were some crazy af rounds going on, NRG could have won this series

posted about a year ago

apparently saadhak confirmed it himself

posted about a year ago

3 finals in a row, 2 titles

posted about a year ago

W list

posted about a year ago

true king behavior.

posted about a year ago

tbh the rest of america pretty much recognizes that, its just shitmea dogs barking and baiting.

posted about a year ago

maybe being the only igl is putting too much pressure on him and having a second caller would ease that. i doubt that chaadhak would ever leave loud

posted about a year ago

of course, #americasfighting

also lets save the trash talking for shitmea

posted about a year ago

LMAO cope harder. americas is ending your region at tokyo btw

posted about a year ago

Loud players stated before lockin and after that they were going to lockin with 0 expectations to win, and were just grateful for the sole experience to be there with the new players. new roster, tying new things. fnatic deserved their win but loud wasnt in their best form. if that match were to happen today, im pretty sure it would be different.

posted about a year ago

huge gap in quality between a match like Loud vs NRG and Lnatic vs TL ( team loser)

posted about a year ago

W i heckin love El Clasico

posted about a year ago

W speaking facts

posted about a year ago

they are still insane. 3 insane matches in 3 days, loud had the bans advantage, and they still cooked. 3-0 but close maps made this a really great series of valorant to watch. EMEA dogs trashing nrg rn remember that this isnt your farmers league; Americas is actually competitive. yall are getting humbled in tokyo.

posted about a year ago

fr, he is a really good player individually. really good on pistol rounds, good clutches, decent utility usage and good game sense. i dont see him being worse then sacy at all

posted about a year ago

his playstyle def fits loud’s. imo he is fitting sacy shoes as a initiator pretty well

posted about a year ago

mas o saad infelizmente ta errando muito mecanicamente, ele ta certo em falar dos erros. mas realmente o spacca é o melhor analista

posted about a year ago

of course, why would i watch farmers league? americas is the most competitive region with the most interesting/entertaining matches.

posted about a year ago

sorry but FUT is ass

posted about a year ago

lmao what makes you think that loud is the underdog here?

posted about a year ago

they will choke on international level

posted about a year ago

actual W ranking. imo FNC x LLL could easily go both ways.

posted about a year ago

drx better than fut, and top kinda wrong

  1. loud or fnatic they are pretty close
  2. lll / fnatic
  3. prx
posted about a year ago

they are playing against a good team, ig you forgot you’re not watching farmers league

posted about a year ago

wdym? nrg feels like they are playing good, crashies winning clutches, som hitting crazy multikills, utilities being used as they should. imo loud is just playing better rn

posted about a year ago

nah id rather believe this isnt true. it would be too sad

posted about a year ago

back to lockin form? he is been great at playoffs so far

posted about a year ago

fr no hype region thinking they are important lmfao

posted about a year ago

they wont even reach semis

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

shut up, no one cares about the battle of mid. we are watching the true match of day rn

posted about a year ago

10/2 with vandals, dedides to pick up an op and finishes half 12/5💀 as a loud fan, im grateful for your op keith.

posted about a year ago

lmao true that shit looked like CS spray

posted about a year ago
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