Country: Brazil
Registered: February 4, 2022
Last post: May 3, 2024 at 11:53 AM
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looking for content creation on tiktok and light armor strats :)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ouvindo agora, se pá falaram do Teddy :o

posted about a year ago

they said it was a stomp, LOUD 2-0'd G2

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

imrãozinho meteu um pollo ali no meio 💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

bom é a vk que usa camera bugada e faz o país passar vergonha internacionalmente né

posted about a year ago

otsuka vai amassar na ranked

posted about a year ago

but if you're wrong, isnt he wrong too?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

FNS as their new coach
would work?

posted about a year ago

a questão é que dificilmente o mw vai atingir esse nível de dedicação. Que tipo de jogador vai se sentir bem em dedicar e se esforçar pra ter que jogar com burriz e rhz

posted about a year ago

pqp comparar fallen com mw, tu tá maluco só pode irmãozinho kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk fallen ganhou só com 24 mas foi uma consequência de uma VIDA DEDICADA AO JOGO NUMA ÉPOCA QUE JOGUINHO ONLINE NÃO TINHA A FORÇA QUE NEM HOJE. Fallen praticamente criou sozinho o cenário brasileiro de CS, olha o que ele fez, academy e tudo (tanto que o maior talento atual do fps feminino no brasil é consequência do trabalho dele)

posted about a year ago

Carreira eu quis englobar a parte de stream dele também (que foi a porta de entrada pra ele virar pro), logo depois que a Slick deu disband ele mudou a postura, começou a jogar de jett e raze, tanto que ganhou a GGWP Cup com a Foguete ( humilhando a mula valorosa (jonn) num Jett diff imenso.

A questão é que o mw é skillado porém parece que o timing de lapidar ele passou, ele tem muito vício de jogo, ele quer sempre resolver tudo na bala, o uso de utilitário dele é horrendo (Raze não conta pq tudo explode). Não tem uma mente pensante com força e determinação no cenário pra mudar essa mentalidade, os que tem são campeões do mundo

posted about a year ago

Saadhak + aspas = first killers
Sacy + pancada = clutchers
Less = lurker cortando rotação e dando kills pro sacy/pancada ganharem o round

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Mlk deu operator diff no melhor jogador do mundo, MvP do jogo que levou a LOUD pros playoffs, MvP das finais.
Mas pro pateta randola do vlr manda uma dessas 😹😹😹

posted about a year ago

Sabininho campeão da Champions em 2030 confirmed

posted about a year ago

"we kinda know who we want... but we can't leave our current roster because of streaming buckerino!!! :'("

posted about a year ago

of course the ones who lost would look for excuses to not blame on their performance at all

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk falar que o aspas só tem mira é jogar toda a carreira dele no lixo !
Tu por acaso já assistiu live dele? Tu já viu a noção de jogo que ele tem? Pq tu acha que um mw não funcionaria na loud como o aspas funciona (sacy já falou que loud só funciona pq TODOS dentro do time sabem o que tem que ser feito sempre, todos tem noção de game nivel MUNDIAL)?
O aspas COME o joguinho. O mlk sabe quem tá andando perto dele só pelo BARULHO DO PASSO do boneco. Aquela kill no yay na breeze no round que levou pro ot (troca de operator na caverna da A) não é só mira. Ninguém abre o pixel certo no melhor jogador do mundo só com mira e reflexo.

Bonus: quando rolava a NPL o sacy e o aspas montaram cada um um time e jogaram um contra o outro e ambos eram os igl dos times e o time do aspas AMASSOU o do sacy só seguindo a call do mlk.

Não precisa gostar, mas tem que respeitar

posted about a year ago

yes because I toast them in my own home

posted about a year ago

I can guess what happened next is you woke up...?

posted about a year ago

mas ai vale mais a pena mandar o spaccão das massas pra usar de analista/coach tático e deixa o bzka de manager

posted about a year ago

wow sentinels fans won't like brazil because of me, surely all brazilians love sentinels and i'm a bad person

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

so he didn't kill himself?

posted about a year ago

aspas about to hard diff t0nz that t0nz will change sensi+mouse grip every round

posted about a year ago

I always meme about GE but I hope they put up a good team, I really enjoy when brazilian teams play against different styles

posted about a year ago

dogwell *

posted about a year ago

ratio + aspas owns him

posted about a year ago

iron lobbies are tiring to play but just because people are bad
bronze lobbies are ok to play if you're bronze
silver lobbies are fucked up because you might get into a vortex of defeats and bye bye mmr
gold lobbies are twisted cause you either get placed against low silvers or high plat, never against full golds
plat lobbies are cool but everytime you're getting close to lvl up, they throw you against some angry diamond
diamond to imm 2-3 is the worst ever, cause there are a lot of: radiant smurfs; dumb content creators; boosted people who can't play properly; hardstuck people who think they are the best players but they are shit; people who can't stop talking about your game, and complain

posted about a year ago

"Yo ass sitting on yo crusty ass chair watching this site 24/7 don't talk to me 🤓🤓🤓🤓"

posted about a year ago

"These shitty baiters are getting out of hand
Bring back old VLR
Hltv is better rn"


posted about a year ago

unless they play groups highly doubt GE will get out of groups

posted about a year ago

implying GE will qualify for any international LAN

posted about a year ago


ez 2-0

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

yeah lmao I don't follow lol but I just found out there's even a korean guy on LOUD

posted about a year ago


First of all, I want to say that I love VLR.GG and have enjoyed this site as a casual reader for over a year. However, I am genuinely concerned that Riot has infiltrated the forums. By this, I do not mean the admins nor do I mean anyone on the VLR staff. I am talking about the users. I cannot believe some of these users lack any critical capacity to raise their voice against Riot and merely parrot their overlords. Remember when dozens of users were celebrating the Franchising announcement without any critical pushback of what was obviously going to be devastating for players and fans? It's truly shocking how many users appear willing to get on their knees and lick the corporate boot. The world is full of such mindless sheep, but I do not think these are mere lemmings. I think they are Riot employees on our community forum.

We have a responsibility as a community to be critical of Riot. The players cannot, or at least seem hesitant to, critique Riot. The players are likely terrified of speaking out against Riot for fear of being blacklisted as though they were dissenters living under a totalitarian regime. We need to use these forums to generate critical conversations that pressure Riot to implement changes when necessary. In the coming weeks, a large group of pro players and other behind-the-scenes members of the community will be creating an organization to anonymously yet collectively offer public pushback against Riot. Why is this needed? Frankly, Riot is run by a nepotistic corporate elite who do not understand the game at a high level of play and do not actively seek out critical input from the community. This is the same Riot that approved the ares buff and who have left a CoD player to make an MMR algorithm for our FPS ranked system instead of hiring admins (and paying for their healthcare). Our collective lack of voice as a community led to this horrific situation we are currently in where players who grinded for years are now left without a job or left waiting another few years to play according to the new age guidelines. These are but the tip of the iceberg. Let's avoid another Titanic collapse like that of Overwatch, and push Riot to avoid the failure that has become League of Legend's esports. The fate of this game is not just in the hands of a corporate elite who are apparently aloof from the community they rule like tyrants. We should not let this skin farming company with fancy graphics distract us from their horrible problems (no demo system?). The fate of the game is in our hands, and VLR's forum is our microphone (in addition to Twitter and whatnot, which we will be mobilizing in the coming weeks).

We have more power than we think. Maybe some of you are aware of the recent boycotts for Madden. We can do the same for Valorant, and we will help to collectively organize in the coming weeks to make our voice not only heard but felt (in their wallets). Riot, if you're listening, please listen more. We need you to listen and stop acting like tyrants. We love your game, we do not love you. Do not confuse our enthusiasm for the game for our enthusiasm for you. We are a community, and we will make sure you know that power will not continue to rest solely in your hands. This is not a threat, but a promise. Hopefully you see this as beneficial for the longevity of the esport. Move aside Riot's Plat staff, the grinders are here to help.

UPDATE: I've included this wonderful comment from #28 here on the post:

"I don't think that those Users are Riot people. The problem is, that this game/community has so many young people. They don't think about the consequences that franchising has. They are just fanboying the game too much.

The fact is, that franchising will hurt the game a lot. Just look at Overwatch. The game is great but there is no real chance to get into the pro scene.
You can't just have 5 good people in your team and surprise everyone. Franchise team will just play against other franchise teams.
This will also affect viewership. Not at the beginning or maybe in the first 1-2 years. But in a long term. It will just get boring because it's always the same.
And with less viewers = less people will play game or start new with it.

It also means that no new Orgs will invest in the game and their team. It's just useless. They will focus on other games.

At the end Riot will destroy their game and help games like CS:GO. Because those Orgs will invest there and not in Valorant."

TLDR: Learn to read.

posted about a year ago

he is right tho, brazil is shit on lol

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I was taking you serious until this post, lmao

posted about a year ago

how can he be one of the best igl itw if he insists on the buying half shield strat? the guy even bought light shield on an overtime HAHAHAAH

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Coaching staff: bzkA + Spacca

posted about a year ago

and she ended it with "Honestly shove your dum comments up your ass Boaster owns you. Yinsu OUT 🎤 " 💀💀💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

sacy falou que ele sabia algo do jogo que o resto não sabia (sim, ele disse isso mesmo)

posted about a year ago

Common babysasuke W

posted about a year ago
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