Country: Palestine
Registered: October 28, 2021
Last post: April 2, 2024 at 5:14 PM
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i saw some latam friends on twitter saying they have unfollowed each other, i check now and they do follow, idk if they stopped and refollowed or if my friends were mistaken

posted about a year ago

based on the fact that mazino and keznit unfollowed each other recently, it does indeed like like they fought

posted about a year ago

i didnt know onur and keznit had a problem, they worked together in kru before

posted about a year ago

next year there will be one less masters, I'm pressure the kick off is going to distribute some circuit points

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

lol i love trembo

posted about a year ago

idk. kru already has nagz, i think mw would be a better fit

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkk Sophie uma mulher de sorte

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

both are boring

posted about a year ago

óbvio, foram campeões do Champions. na época da VKS sacy e saadhak já tinham recebido, imagina agora

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

br copium

posted about a year ago

i do

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

love: pancada, less, sacy, saadhak, aspas, yay, crashies, stax, buzz, mako, derke, redgar, chronicle, bcj, koldamenta, zekken, dapr, klaus, kingg, melser, adverso, onur, shao, dep, joojina, isaa, bstrdd, naxy, drn, daiki
hate is a strong word, but dislike: zombs, mixwell, bonecold, ardiis, ange1, heat, keznit (i dont think he was being racist against BR but i think he is toxic and i dislike his posture. no hate, tho)

ETA: i used to like ardiis and ange1, but i lost a lot of respect for them after the whole turret incident, i really dislike their posture. maybe the dislike will fade with time

posted about a year ago

but they still trash talk. "Im thirty"

i dont think they trash talk loud, tho. but i think trash talk during the game is normal, its too much adrenaline and they need a way to put it out. they are super respectful outside the server, and this is what matters to me.

posted about a year ago

i love yay, i love optic's player, i love optic and loud's rivalry and how much respect they have for each other. they are such a great exemple of a healthy, full of sportsmanship, rivalry. W

posted about a year ago

i am a software engineer, my goals are to be rich enough to retire soon

posted about a year ago

happy birthday, my friend <3

feliz aniversário uhuul

posted about a year ago

it helps to understand the right way to use skills. i like to play sentinels, so i copy some setups (not all of them work in low elo beacause of the way pros/noobs play). it also helps to understand to have a better read on space control and rotations, also how maps work

posted about a year ago

iron 3, plat 1

its my first fps

posted about a year ago

is SEN management that stupid? i find it hard to believe that they won't reformulate the roster having the best players available but idk how KEWK is SEN management tbh

posted about a year ago

his Twitter is managed by a guy most br vlrgg users don't seem to like

posted about a year ago

none, really. all skins i wanted i already got

posted about a year ago

its obviously troll

posted about a year ago

and me

posted about a year ago

i like you

posted about a year ago

obviously not

posted about a year ago

in your dreams he might

posted about a year ago

a GL evoluiu muito, muito mais que a liquid esse ano, mesmo com os bootcamps da TL na Europa. eu gosto muito dessa rivalidade, mas hoje a liquid ainda é mais time (mas estão juntas há mais tempo e mais investimento tbm)

posted about a year ago

and Sinatraa hasn't done anything on competitive since he was dropped of SEN main roster, which happened way before Trent's choke on lan. your argument discredit yourself

posted about a year ago

30 spots to NA on franchise teams. 25 on main team and 5 6th players. i don't think a player whose relevance dates 2 years deserves in when there are players who are relevant now risking being out

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

pode ser. sacy casou recentemente com a sophie, o plano era casar em 2 anos e eles adiantaram, ela disse que não tá grávida. eu acho que foi para mudar mais fácil. o pancada e a bia são casados? as vezes é disso

posted about a year ago

mudança de pais por conta da franquia talvez?

posted about a year ago

team liquid

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

agreed. but its obvious that the problem with keznit is not performance, no? we dont know what happens on the background, but if the team feels like keznit and kru are not a good match, there must be a reason (there is and i know why but i cant tell. trust me that its the best for kru rn to part ways with keznit)

posted about a year ago

its not bait

posted about a year ago

what do you mean? he is not staying in kru, this is clear. idk if his contract is still up or expired, but i guess for kru is good to make some money out of him

posted about a year ago

obviously is not for his performance. we don't know what's going on on the backgrounds, but apparently there's heavy shit going on

posted about a year ago

eu achei que você era hater/não acreditava no noyn

posted about a year ago

keznit is being dropped apparently. my bet is they are testing Mw to replace keznit

posted about a year ago

but the best brain/strats

posted about a year ago

everyone knew franchise was coming. maybe he's been studying English? idk

posted about a year ago

mula valorosa me fez rir alto ty

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

o jzz é bom, mas eu sinto que tem melhores no brasil. eu não sei se o manteria. da furia, acho o nucleo bom mas acho que trocaria o mazin no lugar do carlão

posted about a year ago
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