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Registered: December 29, 2021
Last post: June 13, 2024 at 11:52 AM
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Group B winner vs FNC. Playoffs Bracket got revealed an hour ago.

posted about a year ago

Nth are not beating FPX with Suygetsu.

posted about a year ago

with suygetsu they'll have no problem beating Nth.

Starting in lowers kind of sucks, is my point. My point is that the situation for FPX is quite dire. Unknown whether Suygetsu will arrive for Groups, even if they qual and get Suygetsu, they're going up against FNC first. That's really rough.

posted about a year ago

if they qualify they will be matched up against FNC first round of playoffs.

him playing groups is not even confirmed.

posted about a year ago

even if FPX win today, I can't see them beating Fnatic...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

2-1 FNC, just like Champs.

DRX never loses 2-0 internationally

posted about a year ago

wheres sheeeahh

posted about a year ago

i respect that but also acknowledge that u are extremely ferocious

posted about a year ago

to be fair its like one guy whereas the higher rated regions have more toxic ppl. for example apac has apac jimmy and tonyhart. emea has tons of ppl.

posted about a year ago

i say the opposite. fpx win 2 0
ive not been wrong yet regarding group b
but i would love nth to win

posted about a year ago

I hope it's close. I really think XIA would do better on the rematch.

posted about a year ago

It's the timing of the post man. It went up just as XIA suffered a really close loss so obviously it seems a bit tactless/disrespectful. I understand your intent but also understand the reactions of other people too.

posted about a year ago

prob all of them

posted about a year ago

i want them to but doubt it

posted about a year ago

Understandable during regionals.
During Masters though? EMEA and NA clown on us. APAC/KR/JP are very close friends, scrim partners, two of us even share servers and meet each other regularly. We gotta stick together, that's how I view it. There's KR Pride, JP pride, SEA/APAC Pride, but larger than that, there's Asia Pride.

posted about a year ago

Do we need to make this thread immediately after this loss? Feels like we're kicking down on APAC even though we shouldn't. It's Masters, Lord knows the Asian region needs to stick together and support every Asian team.

posted about a year ago

XIA are an insane team and deserve playoffs.

posted about a year ago

lmao true but damn.

posted about a year ago

Masters 3 Berlin doesn't exist eh?

posted about a year ago

why the fuck are we writing these SEA Laugh Threads/clowning on XIA?

They gave FPX a really strong fight and same goes for against NTH! Really solid and good team, it's just unlucky how they never make playoffs. They are a Masters calibre team.

posted about a year ago

XIA are an insanely strong team and deserve to make playoffs sometime.

posted about a year ago

It's quite mentally taxing though tbf. I wonder if they'll be able to reset their mental in time. NTH are an inexperienced team so they need all the rest and vod review time they can get. They also need to have as little VOD footage as possible. OT rounds don't matter as much but it's still footage and there could be value to be dug up from it.

On the other hand, this is a lot of footage for NTH to review and iron out their mistakes as well. I just hope they're well-rested and decently prepared because FPX is going to be a hard team to beat.

posted about a year ago

NT XIA! They're still an insane team and tbh I would rate them as more likely to beat FPX instead of NTH. They deserve to make it out of Groups. Best of luck for them in their next tourney!

posted about a year ago

imagine if FPX qualify from Groups and get matched up against Fnatic lmao

posted about a year ago

Just saying, this happened to ZETA and that's how they lost to G2 after making it out of groups

posted about a year ago

The longer the OT, the more this is gonna tire out whichever team wins. FPX's odds of winning get higher and higher with each stage. Doesn't help that they get more VOD footage to antistrat/counterstrat

posted about a year ago

xnfri threw just as badly too

posted about a year ago

Meteor 24/13
Joxjo 20/15


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

if XIA get the rematch it's possible

posted about a year ago

didnt the FPX/DRX game end like hours ago

posted about a year ago

from my eye-test it does look like FPX have the better fundamentals though

posted about a year ago

there were some uncharacteristic whiffs and unlucky plays by XIA on Bind tbh

posted about a year ago

wat how can u dislike XIA

posted about a year ago

no Leo?

posted about a year ago

Which team would you reckon will do better against FPX?

Personally believe it's XIA, they were on the verge of beating FPX last time.

NTH could easily PRX aggro their way into a win like how PRX beat G2, but they look inexperienced.

posted about a year ago

I really want XIA to make it out of groups. They deserve a playoffs chance, they're really good.

posted about a year ago

this. banger match

posted about a year ago

tbh tho fnatic and guild are still in the event and look strong AF. excited for fnatic especially. xset are a dark horse too.

posted about a year ago

not to mention DRX beating FPX

man's pressed.

posted about a year ago

matrix insanity arc.

posted about a year ago

sounds like im qualified to be vlr staff too then

posted about a year ago

wholesome <3

posted about a year ago

Surf is so good and so underrated. People only think of f0rsakeN when they're asked about APAC Jetts.

posted about a year ago

L take

posted about a year ago

if any player deserves to tbag it's sScary lmao, guy's a monster

posted about a year ago

Xerxia already look better than yesterday. tomorrow's game is gonna be interesting

posted about a year ago
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