Country: Iceland
Registered: July 11, 2021
Last post: February 11, 2022 at 2:01 PM
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posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

so good

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

playing astra means playing 4.5 vs 5 imo. the astra plays must be really perfect to get the advance you wanna get playing her.

posted about 2 years ago

a piece of invisible wall was in the way obv

posted about 2 years ago

this will be funny

posted about 2 years ago

yes, he want

posted about 2 years ago

He officially moved to coach role but Lakia move happened later so he had to jump in i think

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

tsm never lost to nv when it mattered also tsm players knows nv very well

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

That would actually be insane. Also imagine the flashes flash less the more the time runs. That's a big idea to fix this situation.

posted about 2 years ago

he didnt lie dude. ive played with him and he was immo

posted about 2 years ago

cya soon again bro

posted about 2 years ago

DZ disband tomorrow after beating TSM hahaha

posted about 2 years ago

TSM being TSM ¯_(ツ)_/¯

posted about 2 years ago

from what i am seeing it must be him! hes so afroid to show up himself so he have many alt accs here LUL.

posted about 2 years ago

you think they can beat andbox? stop dreaming pls!! TSM will drop squad after this game and leviathan will go to SEN and replace zombs

posted about 2 years ago

LUL a Viper Main plays Reyna! this must be a misclick from curry and i am the one who realized it first!11!!11!!!!!

posted about 2 years ago

dude im beb0ps alt wym? im currently working on a new menu for vlr community

posted about 2 years ago

might be beb0p since he would never quit this site. it's obv that some of this guys (if not all random new accs) are beb0p and NSG alts

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

who sent you my mums pic bro?

posted about 2 years ago

Looks like TSM asked nerdstreet not to stream their match and its so obvious they did it. i mean why should they not show TSM matches when so many wanna watch it? This now the 5th time they dodge TSM game and it makes no sense.

posted about 2 years ago

If they succeed with him yes, anotherwise no.

posted about 2 years ago

hes one of those idiots who comes up with "but android said..." "but shroud said...". what a moron

posted about 2 years ago

dudes so crazy malding lmao

posted about 2 years ago

its official. you lost control of your life

posted about 2 years ago

an android fanboy

posted about 2 years ago

volvo out of ideas so he wants others do his job for him

posted about 2 years ago


your idol playing dm right now and he looks like he has some fun!

posted about 2 years ago

yes and you know what? you can also chill in current dm. the best players like sentinels player never talk about how bad dm is. they join enjoy and when they feel ready they go play ranked. i dont know what the big deal is with "fixing dm".

posted about 2 years ago

play and chill only games i know is car racing. but valorant/cs? haha

posted about 2 years ago

dude, fps and chilling doesnt fit well together. fps is action game and i dont know how people can chill on valorant servers. if you wanna chill go custom map and enjoy watching the valorant textures from colse distance. there must be a new trending drug in the us they have just released.

posted about 2 years ago

all true bro

posted about 2 years ago

this guy wants a valorant dm where he can chill and listen to music. he literally chills in valorant servers and sunbaths on breeze. can someone tell him valorant ain't real life?
it is obvious his dm stats so bad he scared to play it because his friends would roast him about how bad he is. i also bet he is staying randomly afk in dm to look like he doesn't care just to defend his bad stats lmfao

he even blame me that i would play to win. actually im so chill i play to lose games lmfao

posted about 2 years ago

actually you are just a brainfart dude! who tf plays a game to chill? dude get a life and go out and touch some grass if you wanan chill. lmao! this guy sunbathing on breeze i bet haha

posted about 2 years ago

ur just a moron if you think your hero android or shrouds opinion matters the most. who tf cares about their opinions? shroud dont even play this game and android won nothing so far and switches his team as much a bitch do so i dont care about what your idols say. ur the dumb idiot who thinks android or shroud are people we should listen to. go fuck yourself stupid lil bitch and ask android what your mum should wear next time.

posted about 2 years ago

pros asked for dm servers where they can listen to music and chill? holy cheesy macaroni!

posted about 2 years ago

You can do it? You wanna stay in the server for hours? like go afk for hours and come back and continue where your last position was? I don't get it somehow. You can continue playing dm after 1 is finished. also dont know what the purpose of a dm without pressure should be since everyone would just troll around and jump + shoot around. anyway, good luck when waiting for private servers.

i think riot games would never make it like in cs where you can customize servers as you wish. do they do this in other riot games? i really don't know but i can't imagine this in valorant somehow.

posted about 2 years ago

what you mean? you talk about Valorant Deathmatch right? what are we talking about here? Im playing Valorant normal dm daily almost and have no problems with it. i like it even its frustrating sometimes. as long as things are same for everyone im fine with it.

posted about 2 years ago

i do and i almost always get placed first or second so i think you guys just suck maybe?

posted about 2 years ago

you can use this guns in dm. and it would be bullshit if you want only this guns since in a match your enemies wont play the gun you would like them to have. if you wanna get better with sheriff or guardian you have to be able to kill people with random guns like phantom, vandal, operator.

posted about 2 years ago

whats wrong with dm? why people take something like dm serious and want it to fixed and what do you not like about dm? i personally like Valorant dm a lot. it is what it is. please dont tell me you want a dm without footsteps or something...

posted about 2 years ago
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