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Registered: January 4, 2024
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 3:35 PM
Posts: 262
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πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦… Because it's the ultimate NA team πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…

posted 2 weeks ago

I'm just flabbergasted, for sure our boy Tryeue2 won't have a problem explaining this right?

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

what the actual fuck

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Nah bro, Gen.G isn't that much of a favorite for this event, they're still pretty good but their performance is not the same as Madrid.
I would only see PRX as a clear favorite.

100T can pull up some nasty performance and own the tournament or completely poop it and go home in a funny way, we will see.

posted 2 weeks ago

Bro, you have some dumb takes, makes it difficult to defend you.


posted 2 weeks ago

Because i demanded your righfully earned place as a fucking dumbass.

You're welcome.


posted 2 weeks ago

I'm not saying they can't get back to that form, it's just that wouldn't you get bored after staying all this time on one of the worst teams in the entire franchising?
KC was on the same level and they completely stepped up while KOI it's still seen as a free win for everyone.
That has to be exhausting as a player.

posted 2 weeks ago

nah bro, they're far from their ACEND & Gambit versions, they've become complacent after staying too long in that horrendous team.

posted 2 weeks ago

I would put Johnqt over Less, at least for these last matches performances.
he was far from his best version but i think he still looked solid, at least more than Less.

posted 2 weeks ago

soulcas deserves T1 more than the entire roster of KOI.

posted 2 weeks ago

I'm not a SEN glazer but, not a single player from SEN?

Damn, SEN fell off then LMAO.

posted 2 weeks ago

Boostio would probably say something like:

"We are fucking trash and we are fucking frauds" while laughing.

But he's the only one from the old EG roster actually doing something today and performing, so i don't think it would be a humilliation, also he said that they know they come as underdogs.

posted 2 weeks ago

The FUT coach said that they won that Sunset because they copied the strategy that Atom (KRÜ's coach) prepared against LEV.
So the only map that FUT obliterated LEV they were playing using an America's gameplan and not a EMEA's one, that explains a lot on why that was the easier map huh.

posted 2 weeks ago

I don't think so, I think their midrounding has improved not because of the coaching staff but because of C0M, also i don't like the comps and fucking inventions that Goked tries to accomplish when they can't perform at the most basic level. He needs to start by the simpliest things before he tries to go fucking apeshit with new stuff. I think the problem that comes from the awful round-closing that LEV has it's because the players that don't trust the strategy, that's why we see LEV winning more matches of purely individual performances than teamplay.

posted 2 weeks ago

There's no way, even with NZR, not with that coaching staff that sucks fucking ass.

posted 2 weeks ago

I don't like their playstyle, if is not that it's painfully slow but also seems repetitive.
But if they manage to make it work and earn themselves a masters then it's deserved, they are here for a reason and they've won their matches.

Props to them if they make it work, it would be boring to see though, at least for me.

posted 2 weeks ago

Well it can't be that serious also my dude, we aint discussing world economics, there has to be bait, fun, memes and all of that but i wouldn't want to see VLR just becoming a fucking bait fiesta.

Bait it's fun but on small amounts.

posted 2 weeks ago

Well, there has to be bait merchants, it's good for the economy.

I agree with you that we are experiencing a bait merchants inflation, but i don't condone mental retardation praise, trembo needs to get out of VLR and get treated, fr fr.

posted 2 weeks ago

I think it's crazy to bring C0M of all the sudden and expect for him to accomodate in the say way that nzr did with a team that he played with for years.
They already showed good things in the off-season tournaments individually.

I wouldn't put all the blame on C0M, i don't think he's a bad player it's just that he can't fit in a ranked 5 stack, LEV isn't a team unless they fire that awful tier 3 coach.

posted 2 weeks ago

trembo it's putting wh0zera over aspas bro.
Dude went batshit crazy when Heretics decided to give Mini a break due to his burnout when seems logical due to the tight schedule + exams going on and i think he got banned for that.
I think he is unironically not mentally stable.

posted 2 weeks ago

I see now why you made top 10 lil bro.
No further explanation needed.

posted 2 weeks ago

bro cooked him and uploaded a recipe on VLR for us to watch πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted 2 weeks ago

stop squatting and stealing mcdonalds wifi and post the results already

posted 2 weeks ago

Acegamer30 alt account found.

posted 2 weeks ago

If Chunkio doesn't make #1 i'll leak Pisson's address

posted 2 weeks ago

DRG clears the entire VCT scene, they just need more practice.

copium overdose

posted 2 weeks ago

Chunkio not having 10 spots on the list it's actually a war crime, i'm reporting your ass.

posted 2 weeks ago

because you're a y0y defender my brother.
spreads misinformation

posted 2 weeks ago

but i see aspas good or aspas goat and i agree.

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

prime yay couldn't win champs against aspas and his prime lasted 1 year while aspas still putting performances out there.

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

If Goked continues as their coach they won't do shit.
You can't expect a trophyless ex-assistant coach of the fucking worst team in shooters history KOI to do something with this roster.

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

I'm surprised that people expected LEV to perform.
My brothers in christ, your coach was the assistant coach of the most fucking ass team in history, KOI.
That guy only knows how to lose in style.

posted 2 weeks ago

ΒΏQuΓ© cosa, comprar tiquetes?

posted 2 weeks ago

If your roster is ass against good teams then, your roster it's ass as a team.

I think LeviatΓ‘n it's a 5 stack of good players, their head coach comes from the worst KOI we ever witnessed, there's no way they can pull through when your coach doesn't know what to do.

posted 3 weeks ago

The difference it's that pancc isn't on prison but the allegations will gatekeep him from T1 forever.

posted 3 weeks ago

I think the best call for him it's just to get the bills paid with what NRG has to pay him for his contract and get this time to be with his fiancΓ©e and then return when he feels like it.

posted 3 weeks ago

Nah, i don't think he will be good.

I'm not saying he will be garbage, but it will be prolly pretty mid.

posted 3 weeks ago

pancc isn't making it to T1 bud.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

G2 aint winning this, i just don't see it happening.

posted 3 weeks ago

Hey man, i don't buy it to downtalk the Masters win of Optic when they 3-0'd the best Loud we ever seen who won the finals against them that same year.

But i just can't wrap my head around giving this roster a chance when the game has changed so much.

posted 3 weeks ago

bro, you can cope as much as you want with Victor being good on jett and being better than ardiis, none else besides other NRG fans agrees with this. Even if you're right there's 2 problems to that last statement:
"Optic" "Breeze" both pieces of that information won't be available on next stage so he might be the fucking god of Jett on breeze, still irrelevant if the fucking map won't be there.

posted 3 weeks ago

I don't think that's a good call.

Anyways, C9 it's basically paying their players with coupons, that's why they dropped yay last year.
Huge star paychecks doesn't seem to be on their plans.

posted 3 weeks ago

and what would demon1 play then, he can't do brimstone in all maps.

demon1 is a jett player and i wouldn't tell oxy to stop playing jett because demon1 wants to.

posted 3 weeks ago
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