Flag: Australia
Registered: April 10, 2022
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 2:01 AM
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Subroza is IGL for TSM and FaZe don't have an IGL

posted about 2 years ago

thats fair

posted about 2 years ago

HEY! WE ARE NOT BULLIES, we have tough love

showing mf what they're doing wrong

posted about 2 years ago

26 - 4


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Pakistani TSM fan yelling a an Indian SEN fan...

that's the funniest shit ever

posted about 2 years ago

ooooooh sounds like a sexy man party

posted about 2 years ago

WAT (from OCE), WARDELL (from NA), Zombs (from NA), Sinatraa (from NA) and BONECOLD (from EMEA)

WAT is on catgirls from OCE (no org)
WARDELL isn't on any org and is currently LFO
Zombs recently left SEN (still on contract though) but still counts eh?
same deal with sinatraa
BONECOLD left acend last week and in LFO/world champion

WAT on initiator/flex
WARDELL on primary duelist
Zombs on smokes
sinatraa on sova/initiator
BONECOLD on sentinels

posted about 2 years ago

you forgot 100t in the first few teams, otherwise very well written!

!. factual

  1. easy read
  2. not biased

congrats on not being toxic on a place where toxicity is as common as oxygen is in air!

posted about 2 years ago

lol, probably.

but who doesn't like TenZ ann Kyedae?

posted about 2 years ago

maybe, their marketing team is literally monet with how they painted their characters though.

posted about 2 years ago

ah, i only watched the Conquerors 2022 stage 1 so i dont have too much experience

posted about 2 years ago

yeah, i love watching how much a good oper can affect a game, it's really interesting to see the hidden conflict between the two teams as one team tries to cut space from the oper and the oper respond with more plays. the true showing of skill from support players

posted about 2 years ago

I'm sorry :(

i don't watch too much indian VAL, so I shouldn't have commented on the scene

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

TenZ has consistently shown that he is an extremely capable player, his aim is sublime and can dominate in the highest tier of competitive play, he has amazing synergy with his team, a "care-free" attitude that he and his team says helps his entire team stay remaining in good spirits throughout the game, and his shot calling is a work of art, TenZ has, and still is the best player in the world, not only because of his mostly unmatched mechanical skill but also because of his enviable morale, his perseverance and his compatibility with teammates.

TenZ's dominance is being questions however. one who was once completely unmatched now has contenders for his title, with players from all roles and from all corners of the world coming extremely close to his title. but everyone has flaws in their playstyle, especially TenZ, some names that are very commonly held up as being equal to or even greater than TenZ are cNed, S0m, Cryo and Scream. i will go through all of these players and prove that TenZ can beat them.

Scream's playstyle is almost purely aim-based. scream himself having been known as one of the greatest aimers in FPS games for the better part of a decade has has an extensive career in CS and VAL alike, Scream's offensive firepower and "confidence to push" make teams that are not prepared certain to fall to his trap, the flaw with Screams plays are they are easily readable, which is a common mistake players make at this stage in VALORANT esports.

I'll summarise the other players simply

S0m is too inconsistent, he has a "ratty" operator playstyle that gets kills and he falls back once the enemy team starts to catch on, the question lies in when will he be hard countered not if

Cryocellis is far too aggressive with the operator, don't get me wrong he is probably the best oper in the world but once the enemy team finds ways to make space for him an trap him the game might as well be over, also XSET has an extreme over-reliance on cryo to go big (which he does often)

cNed is kinda one of the most researched people in esports rn so he is forced into playing where he's uncomfortable (atleast for the time being)

TenZ is also extremely well researched, his insane aim combined with his great shot calling and good gamesense make hime the best player if not the most consistently useful players. he has his downfalls, his reliance on "the moment" and momentum make it hard for comebacks to be made in this name, but TenZ is a GREAD player and i think people underrate him.


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

who do you think should go here?

posted about 2 years ago

look at my comment history, just sharing my opinion

posted about 2 years ago

idk bro, he's an insane oper

posted about 2 years ago

you really scream at me for saying i think TenZ was the best player in the world and now you say "i think we should spread peace and love!"


posted about 2 years ago

bruh, seriously... you good?

posted about 2 years ago

alfajer in LFT,
ACE alfager?
SEN alfager?


posted about 2 years ago

edited it, happy?

posted about 2 years ago

It wasn't in order

posted about 2 years ago

sova players = underrated

posted about 2 years ago

you good?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

i actually had this name since before TenZ got really big, i only capitalized the "Z" recently because i like TenZ

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly, We're beginning to underestimate him, but i truly think that TenZ is still the best player in VALORANT

  1. TenZ

close but not quite #1: (and in no particular order)

and jingg

VALORANT has so many players that can compete for the title of "the best" and that's one of the many reasons why the game and the scene is so loved by the community. everyone in the pro scene is extremely talented but that's my list of players that i think are in the running to oneday be called "the best" but, the game is forever changing, so that title might switch hands frequently. TenZ has probably had the title since Masters 2 2021, and will have it for a while, but...
who's next?

(tell me if i missed anyone) (i know SA and APAC had a negligent appearance on the list, pls don't hate me)


posted about 2 years ago

i wish, RITO not putting a major in UAE, they're an american company...

UAE is still the middle east :/

posted about 2 years ago

i downvote to fix

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yep :(

posted about 2 years ago

upper bracket was pretty much 100% so can i have them back?

posted about 2 years ago

Hey, i love SEN and I'll stand by them through the next year at least. they have a good team with a good org and AMAZING players, somethings wrong with them, I'd love to see them win again but it 'aint happening!

hopefully we'll see some SEN dominance again! but it's just not working atm, the roster can definitely work, i don't what the problem is, but i want to see SEN win again.

Signed "A SEN fan"

posted about 2 years ago

ego peak

posted about 2 years ago

Hunter, You're being sexist and supporting the foundation of toxic masculinity. just stop embarrassing yourself

posted about 2 years ago

this aint like dota. there is no qualification route. Riot picks the teams that make it. they're going to choose the most popular teams because that makes them more money

posted about 2 years ago

i know, so sad.

we deserve two maybe tree slots into APAC

posted about 2 years ago

V1 def tier one

posted about 2 years ago

I'm actually confident 'bout this


posted about 2 years ago

also why tf do you care who people support? if anything it displays courage to support a team thats unpopular, go fuck ur pillow

posted about 2 years ago

Sorry, is a swede talking to me?

oh wait, it's just crapway, mb you are pretty much just a swedish protectorate anyway L

posted about 2 years ago

pretty much all three lol

posted about 2 years ago

nah, you underestimate TSM!!!!

DISC 2-1

posted about 2 years ago

this is bad for us

posted about 2 years ago

I can see a TenZ yoru

posted about 2 years ago
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