Flag: Tuvalu
Registered: May 28, 2022
Last post: August 31, 2022 at 10:35 AM
Posts: 445
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That Gun Buddy is matching the Skin Variant of all Reaver Skins! Even if you don't buy the full Collection, buy the Gun Buddy at least i would recommend. We will never get a second chance to buy the Gun Buddies but the Guns you can get from Night Market for cheaper or anytime in your Market.

Don't sleep on the Gun Buddy!

posted about a year ago

I think they copy a lot of comps from EU but they don't get why the comps are being played like that. It's like having a super rich Club that buys you whatever you want but the guy who is managing the Team is a guy who doesn't know any shit he is managing. And they say valorant Games are so entertaining because of different comp and utility usage style lmao meanwhile everyone copy eachother like they do in csgo

@turkishvalpros now go back to fight eachother in turkish chats and keep streaming you little paycheck stealers!

posted about a year ago

meanwhile you have real beasts playing matchmaking only because they don't get a chance to proof themselves and they get bored and quit sooner or later while this trash orgs keep signing old grasshoppers in hope they can jump higher than before. that's how you destroy yourself and make the game you play look like you only have a very limited number of players you have access to...

next yacine gets dropped, heet pick him up
starxo gets dropped, g2 add him to roster
jady gets dropped, liquid signs him
trashbag gets dropped, sentinels sign him

this is valorant and the community ask themselves why it gets more and more boring!

posted about a year ago

i call zeek from now on mr. mental problem actor

posted about a year ago

only knife is worth the other stuff are trash and looks nothing special. the knife also only good in case you didn't buy the champ skin.

i didn't buy champ knife because i didn't want to feed all the trash teams with my money but the reaver karambit i will buy

posted about a year ago

he is nothing special anymore dude and i bet he get paid tons of money for no reason! im saying this stuff in case acend wanna safe money. they can make it NOT to champs with someone else too and saving a lot of money! also there was the rumours bleed offered high amount of money for him so why not accept the deal and profit? qith $1 mil they could do a lot of good stuff for the next 10 years!

posted about a year ago

they will never again win anything with cned, starxo and signing l1nk was another mistake! learn from this garbage mistakes finally! stop signing this sorted out problem players once they get kicked... theres a reason why they got kicked and NO they don't have secret superpowers they couldn't use in their previous team because of whatever ever...

acend is burning potential 1+ million dollaz by not selling a player that had a good period and sucks hard now. This Game with nerfed Jett have become more like a Tablet Game like Chess. Make a wrong move and get punished hard. With Jett you could create a lot of Chaos and profit from it now it's not like that anymore and this no brainers get exposed this easy.

you can't expect from cNed to play any other role except jett and that's why he will be an average player for the future so why keep him and this clown starxo?

but you know what? i actually don't care and find it very funny that orgs like acend destroy themselves as fast as they made a name for themselves in this game.

posted about a year ago

but meddo looks better on pictures so it's better to keep players that look good

good looking players = more fans

posted about a year ago

if they not do
it means g2 is match fixing and they lose on purpose!

posted about a year ago

hahahah losing to crazy raccoon lmao! another 4-5 months getting paid for doing nothing

posted about a year ago

How can a Country be supported like this and be still trash at a Game for years?

2 Years of Valorant and they still made no progress! They still lose the same way they have lost 1 Year ago!

For me they look like a bunch of Match fixers actually

posted about a year ago

need to import more sorted out and bad players. maybe sign davidp next @bleed?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Now he bottom frag another guy who needs to be dropped

posted about a year ago

but who will bang asuna if he leave?

posted about a year ago

Acend is LtineLs of EU lmao

posted about a year ago

he WAS good and he kinda plays like someone who is about to retire and is just allowed to play his last few matches out of respect...

posted about a year ago

No Valorant Player that was really good ever made a comeback after falling off so far and cNed yet is missing so many shots he used to hit before! At this point he is nothing special anymore and it would be better selling him instead of having this guy in your team not hitting difficult shots anymore. he became a normal sniper player to me and keeping him just costs tons of money so why keep him at this point? sell him to bleed for a million dollar instead of letting him go on his own for free lmao

posted about a year ago

scream cant play valorant but still plays it anyway...

do you expect l1nk to play a role he wants in this qualifier? him playing other role needs practise, safety first and that costs time. thats not an experiment you do for a LCQ game lil kid

posted about a year ago

this kind of truth can kill some people bro

posted about a year ago

even if he goes negative in 100 games in a row they will kick someone else anyway lmao

posted about a year ago

written mixwell, read botwell

posted about a year ago

he switched to valorant just to start a comedian career anyway

posted about a year ago

if you changed your name your parents wouldn't remember you anymore pugchoi lmao

posted about a year ago

LtineLs just had a good starting roster back then and this happened because of luck when choosing players. later when teams realized how to play this garbage they became insta tier 2 and they could only win against tier 2 teams and got rolled over any tier 1 team easily.

that's the story of LtineLs!

but we have a LtineLs in europe too! it's called kekquid and they do the same mistake as LtineLs by keeping scream mr. no brainer and some more

posted about a year ago

everyone would be like "who is this silver trash and how did he become a pro? maybe put him as cypher or killjoy role idk... he can't play duelist or entry frag"

posted about a year ago

Imagine feeling great after beating a Team called shopify and still defending tenz because he clutched one or two rounds against this shit lmao

posted about a year ago

Dude you stupid. Xeta wanted to go at any price and c9 just traded him before he quit in his own... As If Someone with an actual brain would trade gold for copper...

posted about a year ago

And tenz aka Mouse signing Machine can't even carrie a matchmaking Hero even he has 2 years of experience! Not only tenz... Look at the Others too!

This proofs all Val pros suck actually and csgo Scene would smoke this random Wannabe talented Guys without even practising the Game!

Keep watching tenz, shazam streams thinking they are something special... If someone as Trash as shroud outfrag them in a short Period, Imagine what real tier 1 csgo pros would do to this washed tier 3 randoms that we're too bad to go even semi pro in any other game...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they cant stop the bleeding lmao

time to waste more money suka bleed xD

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

This proofs tenz acting to get shroud attention and shroud use tenz for his fame to get some free milk

And best part is the fankeks eating out of their hands

posted about a year ago

When? kekw

posted about a year ago

Imagine still turning his Stream on and Listen to that Rats stories

posted about a year ago

They practised this Trash for weeks dude just imagine their total iq of 16 lmao

posted about a year ago

they all still too poor to mimic his mouse collection lmao

posted about a year ago

cuz he is helping the more when he is dead

the best agent to plant is actually chamber... plant, tp out and defend

but try to explain this logic to idiots...

posted about a year ago

would be funny to see this lmao

posted about a year ago

guard need agents that can justify your cheats and make it look legit like sova, fade, kayo do if used right. you can always justify your wallhack in any situation playing these agents when cheating lmao

posted about a year ago

to be a professional hardware signer lmao

posted about a year ago

even if they win here the next team gonna run over them like a TANK!

guard is a bunch of trash players and if you knew whats good you could see it yourself. struggling that hard to this guys means nothing but you suck!

posted about a year ago

zombs was left on bench while they let a trash no success guy play for his own benefits! they will tell you later they wanted to make it to champions so bad... lmao!

posted about a year ago

"cya guys. have to check how many subs i made with my channel. will tell ya later if its worth pretending to like valorant or not. as i said! cya guys!" lmao

coming home

"yo bae, how many? tell me the numbers one by one please and slow!"


posted about a year ago

"time to go back to fortnite cuz i suck" in short "TI"

posted about a year ago

if shroud started playing valarant with his own team using his "brainlet" strats he would never make it out of mickey mouse tourneys and end up like ninja. it's kinda unfair he joins a team like sentinels as a tier 3 player while many talented players are just stuck in tier 2 teams not being able to shine because they are surrounded by worse players that just hold them back.

letting shroud play is like letting a world famous 50 yo retired football player play instead of a young talented one... all good to me up to the point sentinels pretend like they wanna make it somewhere for real...

posted about a year ago

face of valarant? can't even top frag in 9 of 10 games kekw

hes the biggest weeb of valarant at best and imagine how low your countries IQ must be if they use him for marketing purposes lmao

it's like a soccer club making ads for jerseys using a random weeb looking ball collector as their face of the club lmao

posted about a year ago

you think these people are SEN fans? 90% of this viewers just wanna see this garbage team lose hard so they can laugh at them on social media!

posted about a year ago
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