Country: Brazil
Registered: February 28, 2022
Last post: March 17, 2024 at 1:46 PM
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MIBR has a big potential of development in their roste, cause Bzka, they just need time, and their roles seens ok. Furia they are so stacked in aim (even better tha LOUD in my opnion) but they lack brain, and I don't trust in Carlão (their coach) anymore.

posted about a year ago

no, i think it would make the game boring for the casual players

posted about a year ago

qck ta bonitão com esse cabelo dele, quando ele deixava curtinho ficava mt estranho

posted about a year ago

I think you switched things. LOUD is bigger than LOS Grandes. So LOUD man. united, and LOS man. city

posted about a year ago

Qck is good

posted about a year ago

Step 4: become gigachad

posted about a year ago

interesting...I remember that in the old acend roster, he used to play with Sage on Bind

posted about a year ago

One question: Will cned only play jett, or he will play with other duelists to?

posted about a year ago

Did tenn already recover 100% from the eye issue?

posted about a year ago

Nem vc acredita nisso. Os cara literalmente mudou de igl de última hora.

posted about a year ago

Navi eu acho dificil, se pá eles até levam o torneio, cned vem forte, n dá pra dormir com esse cara.

posted about a year ago

Eles tão passando por despercebido tbm, mas eu acho que eles tem um potencial aqui. Eu digo, a maneira que esse time foi montado me agrada muito, mazino (me da inveja ele não estar no br) e nzr são dois montros. Já a Kru tem um certo potencial, mas eu sinto que eles não vão conseguir nada nesse torneio com essa troca repentina de igl (sei lá a staff da Kru anda meio esquisita com esse sistema de troca entre os players).

posted about a year ago

Pleets e um excelente igl (isso pq ele tem vergonha na cara e sabe que aquele valorant de cadeia da NIP e PRX n funciona mais nos dias de hoje), se o Murizz ou Mazin n derem certo na frânquia boto minhas fichas nele pra posição.

posted about a year ago

We expected them to play great because they have adverso that was playing for Leviathan last year, but now I understand why they dropped him

posted about a year ago

Bro Nats lives are so incredible, people trying to teach him portuguese in the chat. I will miss him in Brazil

posted about a year ago

It's saadhack face in raze's body

posted about a year ago

Again with this thread on you: https://www.vlr.gg/139927/brazil-haters-modus-operandi

This will be my new motto

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Because the thread will fill if a lot of idiots like Sigma Male and another stuff, and the conversation doesn't flows

posted about a year ago

One thing that might be the case, is that Brazil is not used to received this international tournament stuff. EMEA and Na already received a lot of stuff from games and international events, so the crowd is more used with foreign people and players. Give brazil crowd time and opportunities to get affection with players.

Also check this:https://twitter.com/ValoAleatorio/status/1627325171513032706

posted about a year ago

Na verdade nem isso, pq ainda com as frânquias, os gringos vão continuar tendo muito mais condições que os jogadores brs, tanto in-game quanto fora, visto que as orgs br mal podem pagar um salário decente em dolar pra eles viverem lá, enquanto isso tem player do NA meia bomba ganhando 20k dol por mês

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Thank god, a brazilian don't have to face you in real life (or any people, because you don't leave from your bedroom), we are blessed by god.

posted about a year ago

It's incredibly that all the players that were asked about the br crowd, said good things (or neutral answers) about them, but some of the vlr.gg users insist that we are animals, and we will kill them, when we have a opportunity

posted about a year ago

The most funny thing is that since them you continue being braindead, 5 months ago, and u still didn't grow anything

posted about a year ago

The most legendary thread that exist in this site

posted about a year ago

It's impressive, that even with the passage of time, this thread never gets old. Instead, it just keeps making more sense everyday:


posted about a year ago

This thread never gets old: https://www.vlr.gg/139927/brazil-haters-modus-operandi

posted about a year ago

Understand a thing, for you to go to a spot to another in São Paulo is like 1 hour (if there is no traffic) people need to eat, need to sleep, they can't be until 8 hours of the night seeing a game that will not change anything in their day a day life (because if they do, they probably only will arrive home until 11 p.m at home). And from what a heard, there's no food in the event, so people need to leave to eat, and in São Paulo to everywhere takes lot of time because of traffic (specially in the night when people are going back from work).

posted about a year ago

Vc é um dos usuários mais antigos desse site e o um dos que eu mais respeito aqui. Vc é quase que um símbolo e um porta voz dos brasileiros aqui no site (mesmo que eu possa discordar de vc em algumas coisas).

posted about a year ago

O ano é 2023, e os cara me continuam com essa merda de "death threats", e ainda ficam caçando "pelo em ovo" no twitter sobre brasileiro pra postar e criticar, pra daí vc ver que é um gringo fingindo ser brasileiro kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

A gente é amassado durante um ano todo como br=bad region, bronzil, pra no ano seguinte estoura todo mundo e ganha o champions em solo europeu. E os cara continua a desrespeitar, não adianta. Agora (fugindo um pouco do valorant) quando o mundo todo tiver passando fome e com falta de água doce (por conta das guerras idiotas entre esses países "de 1º mundo"), vão correr pros nossos pés pedindo recursos (água doce e comida que o Brasil mais tem). E daí todo mundo vai querer ser "amiguinho do Brasil".

posted about a year ago

Balla e muito pica papo reto. Eu acho engraçado todo mundo reclamando aqui do evento, e tu vai ver, todos os players falando bem do evento da torcida e etc. Tem um vídeo até que mostra o yay com os fãs tirando selfie. Mesmo nas condições precárias que a riot deixou os fãs que tão lá eles continuam indo e fazendo o possível pra torcer. Pra vim um britânico (que nem britânico deve ser o cara) falar que mal pode esperar por Tokyo e que a Riot errou de colocar um evento no Brasil (País de terceiro mundo, segundo eles).

posted about a year ago

Yes, they are pretty solid team (there is NAVI, DRX too) .

posted about a year ago

Probably he was arguing about the knife thing with crashies but nothing more than this

posted about a year ago

Bro even know what he talked and guys is talking. I can secure with you, in a team there`s saadhak (that respects alot the guys from optic) and aspas, there`s no space to this type of behaviour.

posted about a year ago

Me too

posted about a year ago

the most consistent. Everytime team need him, he shows up

posted about a year ago

Bro you are trying to catch bad comments in twitter lmao, of course there will be braindead people among the br crowd (and to make thinks worse u are seeing in twitter)

posted about a year ago

Aspas is kinda young too (19y if i am not wrong)

posted about a year ago

Hahaha. Crashies looks like a child, lmao he is very cute

posted about a year ago

He is the level of Suygetsu and Nats, what is affecting him is that now he needs to focus on second calling too.

posted about a year ago

You know NRG is going to win something this year when FNS starts killing. If NRG improves their firepower, i am scared from what they will be capable of

posted about a year ago

This guy is not brazilian

posted about a year ago

We will try everything to do this. But we have a NAVI in the other side that seens to be the favorite to win this tournament

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

GG brother

posted about a year ago
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