Country: United States
Registered: May 6, 2022
Last post: June 14, 2023 at 3:59 AM
Posts: 417
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Sen win ez

posted about a year ago

hate the fanbase not the player

posted about a year ago

Exactly, I don't get why TenZ gets so much hate, like he's such a nice, wholesome guy. He is really good in val too, although SEN underperformed this year.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

This is most likely due to the fact that you don't have the clip rendered, as the video is just a preview

posted about a year ago

You haven't became an L baiter yet, You still have time to leave this forum

posted about a year ago

lmao these intros kinda do feel like a 3rd class porno

posted about a year ago

let me calculate the times for you

Retexuring the val agents: 1 hour
Building scene in 3D(includes texturing):5-10 hours
Animation(armuture adjustment):5-10 hours
Camera Animation:1 hour+(depends)
Rendering(depends on pc specs): 3-4 hours
Post production(video editing):1-2 hours
total: 16-28 hours

posted about a year ago

Happy birthday!!!
Listen, YOU can change this!
Well maybe not all of it, but still
If your family is not caring, spend more time with the people that do.
If you are having trouble finding those people, you need to reach out to an adult you trust.
If you are ever feeling down, go ahead and send me a message, I'll listen and try to help you out man. Tough times will pass.
Also you need to find new friends.

posted about a year ago

Tell me your an English teacher without telling me that you are an English teacher

posted about a year ago

Sentinels spent so much time on their video that it's crazy
Like it's so well made and storyboarding + Animations + Textures and vfx are just top tier

posted about a year ago

not doing what ur doing rn

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

SEN was already falling off lmao
they had one good run

posted about a year ago

Everyone is just bored bc the offseason is so boring lmao

posted about a year ago

Stewart clears

posted about a year ago

lmao these are just the people ik
We are vlr users, we don't keep with with all that celebertiy bs

posted about a year ago

Boaster can go into amiami to get his name on the wall for sure, if someone can do that, I think people do care.

For those that don't know:
amiami is a popular anime figurine/toys shop. They have a wall for famous people. Famous people are given a piece of cardboard to sign and put their name on. Some famous people that signed : Disguised Toast, CdawgVA, etc Boaster was way more clout and people do care.

posted about a year ago

C9, Navi, SEN
all of them has multiple world champions with a shit load of lan experience, just three overall most rounded off teams

posted about a year ago

"Lil bro"

posted about a year ago
  1. shit-talking ur top frag carry
  2. making the entire multiverse unexist
posted about a year ago

this is a massive W
Honestly, quit your job, if your mental health is affected by it, get out of there asap man. Im sure you can find a placeholder job before you move to your next one.
GL man!

posted about a year ago

Wnba moment

posted about a year ago

continues on vlr

posted about a year ago

6600xt is almost always better
personally tested around 250 of them, no drivers issue so far

posted about a year ago

Dapr is so underrated

posted about a year ago

nice, another thread about riot
like we need more

posted about a year ago

man denied that he was smart

posted about a year ago

sorry i don't keep up with eu

posted about a year ago

Honestly you should watch it if u like detective themed stuff, pretty underrated anime

posted about a year ago

wow no way someone learning a new language makes them a weeb
In that case you'll be smart

posted about a year ago

they did the best thread in the world VLR omg i dont know who came up with the idea but +200iq guy thanks dude who made this great thread
i have never enjoyed a thread like this i will be forever indebted to you!!!

posted about a year ago

can someone please explain why Navi is ranked so high?
I don't even see any active players

posted about a year ago

I think instead of complaining, lets think about ways to fix it

  1. FUCKING ANC headphones, like if just put them on and no one can cheat from crowds
posted about a year ago

The title and question gave me a stroke when tryna read it

posted about a year ago

Fuck man, Depression feels like your trapped underwater with no escape, my condolences to him and his family.
Since a lot of you are highschoolers and the depression rate has gone up, I just want to say that your unique and we care about you.

posted about a year ago

I should get paid for babysitting these kids

posted about a year ago

Wow riot doesn't want people selling challengers spot
they must want to destroy brazil specifically lmao
this logic is golden

posted about a year ago

I will keep changing my pc time so it's not november

posted about a year ago

Dumplings/ XiaoLongBao

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Two interpretations
etheir the savior of vlr.gg
or the biggest clown known to man

posted about a year ago

Double standards fr

posted about a year ago

Boaster is an entertainer, people are entertained so they want him to get results, but Fnatic can't win any.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Honestly SEN looks btter rn but we can't tell anything until we see them play bc team chem

posted about a year ago

Viper mini better

posted about a year ago
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