Country: Brazil
Registered: April 13, 2022
Last post: April 13, 2024 at 9:15 PM
Posts: 55
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Ganhou o desemprego

posted about a year ago

Quando todos os seus melhores times tem atuações terríveis em campeonatos futuros, algo está sendo feito de errado, não é coincidencia acend, sen, e gambit ganharem um campeonato internacional e sumirem.

posted about a year ago

not really, I don't know if you can read, but I made it very clear that it's wrong, loud to have gone straight to the playoffs in the past master, and probably if loud had gone straight to the group stage in Iceland, they would definitely never have made it to a masters final, these riot formats only facilitate the rise of fake teams, where is acend? where is sen? where is gambit?, loud just won't get to that point because it plays in a non-competitive region, i agree with you kr/jp are wronged

posted about a year ago

The mere possibility of the past masters final being the lower of a group stage is ridiculous, when other teams are sitting around waiting for the playoffs, past masters was the same thing.

It is demerit of loud to lose against kru, but having a team that only beat latam, in the playoffs is ridiculous, lev will probably lose 0-2 and leave the championship, I thought the same thing about loud in the past masters, what loud made past masters is extremely unlikely.

The fact that I'm Brazilian and say that after Loud's defeat seems partial, but it's undeniable, riot has a lot to learn from the csgo championships

posted about a year ago
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