Flag: South Korea
Registered: June 3, 2022
Last post: June 15, 2024 at 2:04 PM
Posts: 10581
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What happened

posted about a year ago

Check discord please someone's begging me 🙏

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Overall English
Personally Ukranian Belarusian and etc

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Why would he?
Tokyo is european server for some reason

posted about a year ago

He most likely will play in team outside of NA

posted about a year ago

my goat

posted about a year ago

That means qw1 and demon1 beef in twitter will be resolved earlier 💯

posted about a year ago

Qw1 - 3
Ange1 - 6
Shao - 6
Forsaken - 5
Zyppan - 7
Total - 27 coins used
Insane FPX core + grandpa will turn other players into demons and qw1 has lots of potential.

posted about a year ago

Whos gonna tell him

posted about a year ago

This is fucked up

posted about a year ago

Can someone give an explanation of what happened
Twitter is blocked there and im not home rn

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Listen.... As current president of navi flairs I gotta recruit new people....

posted about a year ago

Navi flair for a head

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Because we believe in navi supremacy

posted about a year ago

I forget it exists cause im broke and cant afford shit 😔

posted about a year ago

No because the only reason I use this is to spread my love towards navi and to shit on other teams and users

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

All good you can put zeta flair next event

posted about a year ago

Just this event trust
You'll be able to flex that you were a fan of tokyo winners

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No shao no ange1 D:

posted about a year ago

I love femboys and egirls

posted about a year ago

Good night

posted about a year ago

Nats chronicle sheydos d3ffo redgar

posted about a year ago

Shao suygetsu zyppan cned ange1

posted about a year ago

They turned off every ad there in Russia in twitch and youtube

posted about a year ago

Stars dont matter
don't look at those

posted about a year ago

ong brotha
they hate us cause they aint us

posted about a year ago

you're the only one

posted about a year ago

nah what we do?

posted about a year ago

why it doesn't matter much that was my point bro

cause thats what I actually meant but just didnt phrase word to word

i was talking about bf but nvm that ain't important here

I was joking about it before and completely forgot but it kind of confused me tbh

why would I stop tho i still think u were generalizing every UN flagger and u were actually only targeting indians my original post has nothing to do with indians but bring indians into it

I just said what I think when I see UN flag basically an association and it was based on the people that Ive usually seen. I have multiple indian friends and I dont hate indians at all

i don't think we r going anywhere with this wanna stop?

I feel the same to be honest so yeah let's stop this

posted about a year ago

I already miss yessirski

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

every Indian with UN flag to be exact

That's what I meant it doesn't really matter much

that wasn't that difficult to understand,not understanding simple as that is ur problem

It was pretty difficult to understand since a few messages after you claimed that I indirectly could have called you out in my first reply
Also the message was way weirder than you might think. I literally have no idea about imaginary guy I was sucking off.

tbh idk if u really think this point is valid (when i know that u don't know I'm Indian)and crazy how u still think i was playing victim while I said earlier that even if i wasn't using UN flag i was still going to say that

You can say whatever you want to prove your point and also you were the only indian to respond to my messages and you had the UN flag so the fact that you said "even if i wasn't using UN flag i was still going to say that" proves nothing.
Also the main point is that you could've just stopped the argument after you figured out that I wasnt trying to make fun of you and wasnt generelazing every indian but based it only on the people that ive seen. instead you've switched up to saying that im only targetting indians so thats why I said you seem to play victim and that you're senseitve

posted about a year ago

i never said every i only majority (which is according to u)

You literally said that I generalized every indian before

what do u think i was talking about, i was saying that I'm well aware of the fact that u don't have any idea that I'm Indian

Literally barely could understand your message cause of your weird way to phrase things so I thought it's just another weird attempt to offend me

u r now just trying hard to prove that I'm playing victim card bcoz i thought u directly said that me NT

Before you were asking why did I reply exactly to you and said that I indirectly mentioned you
Second you're actually playing victim and I am right about that

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Flag made mostly for insecure indians ≠ every UN flag is indian or every indian using that flag is insecure
Idk what does your first point prove cause it changes nothing and doesn't debunk my statement in any way since what ive said actually happened. At first you thought I was attacking you directly but after ive proven that it wasnt the reason you switched up to me targetting indians

posted about a year ago

You should be proud of that!
Ill bump the thread more

posted about a year ago

2nd point was unironically hard to read and you better rephrase your shit.
Im calling you insecure and sensetive cause at first you assumed that I was calling you out for being insecure indian and after I told you that I didn't you switched up to me attacking only indians
Also nothing wrong abt me assuming that most of the people who fakeflag are insecure about their country because that happens way more often and I didn't claim that everyone who does that is insecure

posted about a year ago

Major skill issue
Just move to EMEA

posted about a year ago

KEKW 11-3 is an actual trigger for brazillians
Bro found matches that happened 1 year ago

posted about a year ago

Plz calm down bro
Im sorry for making fun of brazillian best team by saying 11-3

posted about a year ago
1 •• 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 •• 200