Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 26, 2022
Last post: July 23, 2022 at 1:01 PM
Posts: 97
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Precisamos parar é de importar talento do latam e europa, precisa ter um IGL BR e não Argentino, assim a competitividade aumenta das regiões
Precisamos de Coach que realmente quer ser Coach, 99% são jogadores que não conseguiram ser Pro, só tem Fluyr no cenário que realmente quer ser Coach.

O que eu mais vejo é jogadores falando de Coach, "Ah, fulano é coach pq não conseguiu ser Pro" até a galera do Tier 2 zoa pra caralho se tu falar que é Coach pois sabe que tu é alguém que falhou e só sobrou ser coach pra ganhar alguma coisa, nem os jogadores respeitam, se um jogador não respeita coach, já era.

LOUD tá com problema no Mid-game, sempre teve, na minha opinião é comunicação com o argentino que tá faltando, até pq tem time BR que é bem mais fraco (perdia pra LOUD) mas em mid-game eram fortes pra caralho, perdiam em tática-aim diff.

posted about a year ago

Now they need to ban Sarah because she only queue with her duo low immortal to not play against radiants.

posted about a year ago

He's good, but not an ELITE player.
He's good at multi tasking, he said it before because in League of Legends he had to know all skills times, etc.
But in AIM he's not that good, I don't understand why Sacy is surprised when he never had a god AIM before.

posted about a year ago

Concordo contigo trembolona, só falta você se transformar e virar um Top G.

posted about a year ago

To zoando, mas ainda acho que ele não tem mira comparado com a galera do EU ou NA, só assistir as live e comparar a mira, mas sacy tem pouco tempo de FPS anyway.

posted about a year ago

I think he was never a good player, if you watch his stream his aim duel isn't that good and never was, if you watch aspas, alfajer, heat, mw, derke, any other player you will know how diff their AIM are, I think sacy made a difference when sova was strong bc he diff by intelligent because In the beginning of valorant players wanted to diff only on AIM instead of using skills. but know you can see, if you're not god aim you're fucked.

Retire moba player, you're not gigachad to diff by only brain against CS chads.

posted about a year ago

Good Analogy

Stop crying about chamber is op, precise gun play or even by calling people shit because they're killing you while you're flashbanged
Learn Valorant, Learn Life.

posted about a year ago

two girls with my name tattooed considered a bitches?

posted about a year ago

Nope my man.

posted about a year ago

In a previous life, I lived 5000 human years atop Wudan mountain.
I remember every lived second.
Life is competition.
Competition is violence.

In many modern forms of competition we have attempted to water down the violent aspects, to replicate violence in the most sanitised way.
We have full grown men, growing as large and strong as possible - to put a ball in a net, as opposed to hurting each other.
But the sentiment is the same.
It’s a group of men at war with another - with one team being victors.

And the other being losers.

The largest, strongest, most beautiful tree. Violently crushed the surrounding saplings, in the quest for resource.
Every time I see beauty, I see the struggle required to create it.
When I see myself, I know the struggle lived to become who I am.

To live as I do.

The more sophisticated my understanding of the universes state of constant war - the happier, more content and peaceful I feel.

You are MEANT to struggle.
You are here to SUFFER.

If you do neither of these things, you are either dead or invisible.
If you want people to care who you are - become familiar with pain.
If you do not struggle to become an exceptional man.
You are a nobody.

And every female will prove to you - you may as well not exist.
Evolution requires PAIN.

While others complain they do not feel happy enough, I’m happy I’m struggling.
I don’t want to be happy.
I want to be great.
This is the beauty of life as a MAN.

We are born valueless.

And you either build yourself into a King - or you fail.
Atop Wudan, I told priest master Yan Hui, how at peace I felt amongst the trees.
I could feel life all around me.

Sitting at the foot of the largest tree, I asked him.

“When life is so beautiful, why do we fight?”

His reply was simple.

“Do you think the largest tree you sit beneath, grew so tall amongst many, if it didn’t fight?”

In a previous life, I lived 5000 human years atop Wudan mountain.

I remember every lived second.

Be a Top G.

posted about a year ago

Native language >>>>> all.

posted about a year ago

Essa minoria que você acha é tipo uns 90% dos BR kkkkkkk, ou seja, a maioria.

posted about a year ago

Verdade, sempre eu vejo os manitos suportando a gente, e raramente (pela nossa gigante população kkkk) vejo algum BR falando bem dos manitos isso é algo que nunca acontece.
Pior não é isso, é que o povo brasileiro taca o foda-se até pro próprio povo, isso é algo que vem do futebol também, se tá grêmio x flamengo, gremio ganha e vai jogar contra um time europeu por exemplo, a maioria dos BR vai torcer que o "rivalzinho" se foda, mesmo isso significando que o nível do BR está baixo eles n se importam com isso só n querem ver um conhecido se dando bem, como eu disse, BR é o povo mais invejoso que existe pprt.

posted about a year ago

mals manito

posted about a year ago

pois é, pior q um amigo meu alemão falou isso, que sentia que os brasileiros eram muitos invejosos, ele morou aq por uns 8 anos e cara, é bem verdade isso.

posted about a year ago

Os gringos acham o brasil com a melhor população no sentido de ser carismática, quente, etc.
Mas eu ainda acho que os brasileiros como um todo é o povo MAIS INVEJOSO QUE EXISTE
Sério, todo brasileiro é invejoso pra caralho e não pode ver alguém se dando bem que vai falar merda, Kru ganhou da LOUD?
Vai arrumar 300x desculpas, tira até o dedo do meio do maluco da Kru de contexto de tanta inveja que sentem, e ainda torcem para a Kru perder mesmo sabendo que se a Kru perder diz que o nível do Brasil está fraco, mesmo assim eles tão nem aí com o nivel BR, só querem ver o rival se fodendo mesmo.

posted about a year ago

Don't believe in this bullshit of freedom, we're all slaves.
Follow Top G Tate, accept the Redpill.

posted about a year ago

CSGO and Apex.

posted about a year ago

They can't play Kovaak.
AimLab to warm up is better I guess, much more movement.

posted about a year ago

Top G.

posted about a year ago

Pois é, eu estou.

posted about a year ago

Foda, é essa geração de merda do caralho que se levar um gritinho do coach já tenta processar por danos mentais, um bando de retardados.
Cresceram achando que na vida é igual na escola que quando tu fica em último lugar tu ganha uma medalhinha de consolo, um bando de fracote.

posted about a year ago


He always do that to his camera man in Kru, it not for LOUD players.

Cresçam BR lixos do caralho só fazem chorar por tudo tudo mimimi geração nutela do caralho, apredam sobre Andrew Tate o Top G nessa merda.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

If Valorant is all about being confident, do you think crowd will impact much more than in CS?
Pro Valorant players still don't know what it's like to participate in an event with a huge crowd that even shake you desk
Anyway, LAN = crowd, till today there's none yet

posted about a year ago

TenZ is beta, how can he let his gf travel alone lmao
When we see a girl photos around world, we all know she belongs to the streets

posted about a year ago

Brazil is so feminist nowadays, I hope other regions don't be like us.

posted about a year ago

I said, ping 5 abuser from DM.
She plays like that because even Pro Players recommend people to play like that, just a losers.

posted about a year ago

the only one uncancelable player would be trembola

posted about a year ago

he's right saying that, brazilian dm = only angle holders from sp ping 5 abusers.

posted about a year ago

fake account, not sure if its him

posted about a year ago

Real G speaking truths:

posted about a year ago

bro you romanian... your country have Andrew Tate the Top G, the true GOAT.
You should be proud.

posted about a year ago

Only low ping can abuse that.

posted about a year ago

Sadly, crosshair placement abusers all have 5ms.
Low ping is broken af to hold angles, I got mad in immortal because that, in Brazil everyone have 5-10ms, while I live in north and get fucked :(

Ping advantage is literally above 70ms, less than that you're fucked
Worst ping zone to be is 35-55ms because you get 100 disadvantage and zero advantage.
Ping 5, hold advantage.
Ping 120 ferrari, ferrari advantage.
35-55? You're fucked cause you have NONE.

posted about a year ago

sarahcantaim <- best cute girl + best aim.

posted about a year ago

Search for Andrew Tate. Learn Life.

posted about a year ago

Is that JasonR inspiration?

posted about a year ago

Feels weird to see The Guard at Champions
if a team were good in beginning of the year but then it gets bad, shouldn't play end of year tournaments
Valorant meta change so much in few months.

posted about a year ago

Valorant is also becoming expensive game, you need 360hz, FinalMouse, Herman Miller for ur back, Artisan pad and more. + NASA PC to play too.

Soccer is like 5 bucks to buy a ball and be happy.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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