Country: Denmark
Registered: September 12, 2021
Last post: February 1, 2024 at 8:21 AM
Posts: 3389
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True, time to kill this dog

posted about a year ago

Can't deny the truth so has to come up with a shit comeback

posted about a year ago

They're in a better place now

posted about a year ago

No, you're just retarded, FPX with seider was mid at best. Xerxia's performance against them isn't impressive at all

posted about a year ago

She meant you're a house deodorant

posted about a year ago

Xerxia faced fpx with seider

posted about a year ago

hepatitis C

posted about a year ago

nope. they both got owned by tier 2 teams

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

They know they'll lose in groups anyways

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Don't fucking count yay as a sentinel player

posted about a year ago

Getting baited so hard by styling, embarassing

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Trust me, it's you who don't know me

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah fucker I have 2 big problems

posted about a year ago

Bro really had sova and reyna in his list

posted about a year ago

I'll still say trash

posted about a year ago

Wtf does this mean? If they don't fucking win anything then they are overrated, it doesn't matter if you play good if you always lose

posted about a year ago

Once again, trash

posted about a year ago

I preferred when you were an NA stan

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

They got 2-0'd in playoffs???

posted about a year ago

Owned FPX with seider then got eaten alive with suygetsy, stfu they never did anything good

posted about a year ago

You still have a long way to come to reach the legacy of DRX hating I have, little one

posted about a year ago

praised by who exactly? tier 2? fucking see the results in tournaments, those are what matters not irrelevant opinions

posted about a year ago

worse than real Rise

posted about a year ago

a brainless take is to say that DRX isn't overrated smh

posted about a year ago

see? still trying to get the last words cuz you're so obsessed over this. Grow up bozo

posted about a year ago

you started replying to everything, if anything you're so obsessed that you're trying to get the last words

posted about a year ago

cuz I surely put effort bozo

posted about a year ago

ain't you doing the same?

posted about a year ago

you ain't getting sick of trying to be the smart guy ain't you?

posted about a year ago

People have a hard time accepting the truth

posted about a year ago

lmfao again, tell me where I got baited if I said nothing to you. bro's thinking he's smart while I did nothing if not ask him questions that he left unanswered and now he thinks he's a succesfull baiter (or prolly just making up excuses lol)

posted about a year ago

tell me where you've gotten a reaction that was directed to you lmfao, ain't said nothing to you if not stats or just pointed out the way you've behaved, stop trying to act smart my dear

posted about a year ago

why is it that I made a thread and now there are like 5 or 6 threads with the exact same name

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

"getting a reaction out of you" bro really run out of excuses

posted about a year ago

Just look at the guy above you lmfao, never seen a bigger loser

posted about a year ago

Paragraphs? Literally 4 lines which is what is needed to talk about what the 2 teams we're talking about have done. And you still avoid the argument cuz you're that delusional, lmfao

posted about a year ago

True, you ain't only fatherless, you lack your entire family

posted about a year ago

HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH, M3 acend was absolute dogshit and if you don't admit it you might need to start over with how ou play valorant. Almost beat gambit? When tf did it happen? They got owned on bind, won split which was one of gambit's worst maps at M3 and again didn't stand a chance on icebox. Acend became world champions the next tournament. RB or no RB DRX is still trash and won't win you delusional burger muncher

posted about a year ago

Cuz it ain't you walking L

posted about a year ago

You're literally avoiding the point of this thread just because you'ew delusional af and are trying to cope in whatever way your brain tells you to do. Now tell me, what has DRX done which is impressive? Liquid had a top 3 and a top 4 in international events where DRX didn't even manage to qualify or got obliterated in groups. DRX on the other hand always had the easy ways against bad team or crippled ones (see FPX with SEIDER) only notable win is 1 against PRX at masters 1, what else they've done? Nothing

posted about a year ago

Rivaled peak gambit? They won on one of gambit's worst map and got destroyed on the other 2. FS was a shit team lmfao. M3 Acend was literally cNed and 4 meatshields tf you talking about

posted about a year ago

What the fuck does that mean? and no, they didn't achieve more lmfao, liquid had a top 3 and a top 4, DRX has 2 top 6's lmfao. And again, what does that have to do with DRX being overrated af? You just change argument cuz you can't accept the truth

posted about a year ago
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