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This nerf is not even going to kill Jett

it's just going to change the physiology of the Jett main that how they need to enter the site and consider her decision

And it also going to prevent accidental dash :/


Ur post shows, that u must be really low rank.
The nerf doesn't really affect her at entering site, Coz she decides, when to entry and when to activate it.
This is a nerf for jetts holding off angles having a dash for unlimited time. Be it on attack or defense (mostly defense).
And those who try to go for aggressive stuff, where they have to activate it beforehand, without knowing, if someone is going to be there (e.g. activate knives at the start of the round and updraft from nest in breeze to get a kill in mid and dash afterwards.)


nah this is just gonna stop jett mains from holding off angles out in the open


obviously, the idea of the nerf's isn't to kill jett but rather so that her kit has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, that players will have to play around.


Jett will still do whatever she did before. Her so called nerf forces People to push close to eachother which can end up in Multikills with a single Bullet because you wanna trade her quick. Anotherwise she gets away like always. Also she has a quick Smoke to hide in and wait for you to push with a shorty in or close to the Smoke. Jett Mains will get just better in my opinion. Also in Pro play Jett will most likely have someone holding close angle while she holds from a distance. If Jett gets a frag someone will be like "Oh she can't dash that quick. That's my chance..." and dies to Jetts Mate which holds the close angle. Only reasonable nerf to Jett would be making the dash expensive like 450 Credits to stop her from abusing Sheriff in Pistol Rounds.

number1_ScreaM_fan [#3]

nah this is just gonna stop jett mains from holding off angles out in the open

It won't stop them doing that, they just have to invest the dash, and after the dash window has closed, they will have to play safer. You still can easily hold those off angles

kapteN [#6]

It won't stop them doing that, they just have to invest the dash, and after the dash window has closed, they will have to play safer. You still can easily hold those off angles

yeah but i doubt anyone would sit on top of crate on c site waiting for the slight chance someone walks up long in 12 seconds

number1_ScreaM_fan [#7]

yeah but i doubt anyone would sit on top of crate on c site waiting for the slight chance someone walks up long in 12 seconds

You never needed to dash when you were on top of that crate? Literally a waste of ability cause you're not in an off angle.

Think more about holding deep long A on jett on haven, or like B long on bind, or on top of the wall near lamps on Bind A. Fracture B peek etc.

kapteN [#8]

You never needed to dash when you were on top of that crate? Literally a waste of ability cause you're not in an off angle.

Think more about holding deep long A on jett on haven, or like B long on bind, or on top of the wall near lamps on Bind A. Fracture B peek etc.

i meant the crate out in the open on haven c. not the big crate. i always dashed from there when i played but im not a jett main but play sentinels instead so im a pretty passive player. I get what you mean thou like for example jett player can smoke window and walk down haven mid, get a kill and dash away

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