Sentinels VS Knights

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Sentinels have been regarded as "The Kings of NA", but new and upcoming rosters like Knights, The Guard, Evil Geniuses, and Akrew have pulled off victories against some of the fan favorites like XSET,FaZe,TSM,LG.Will we see another upset? Or will Sentinels abolish Knights in a quick 2-0?

Sentinels lost to Knights on ascent, they made it close, but this is not what we expect from the proclaimed "Kings of NA" .However, 9 out of the previous 10 BO3s played by Knights has had an Ascent.So it's fair to say that they are well practiced on Ascent and combined with the underperformance of TenZ,Knights got the edge over one of the best teams in the world.And even though,TenZ was online in the end bagging 7 kills in 2 rounds,it was not enough to make up for the rest of the game regardless of the god-tier Killjoy played by Dapr,and the Sova of ShahZam,Sentinels got shut down 13-15.

Nevertheless, Sentinels bounced back hard on bind, TenZ and SicK both played phenomenally well on Jett and Raze, respectively, dominating the Knights 13-5.
And it was off to Haven for the decider.Sentinels are widely known as one of the premier teams on Haven going 31-7 on haven since TenZ joined, but after a close 13-11 win over NRG , they seemed off balance. Dapr had a subpar performance, losing gunfights , misplacing tripwires allowing players to crouch beneath them,still however, the rest of Sentinels played great valorant to make up for it.

Knights has gone 4-2 on Haven with this comp, but have been destroyed playing against tier-1 teams.Despite Knights having a high winrate on defense, they get steamrolled 6-0.The 7th round looks like the only round by Knights looking to stop "The Snowball Effect" of Sentinels.There was only about 1000 credits left after the buy from Knights.Regardless, the make or break round for Knights pays off for them and they were able to string along 4 rounds mainly with the help of XXiFs operator getting 7 kills in the 4 rounds(6-4).However, A whiff by skuba and a brilliant counter to XXiFs OP by the Guiding Light, Gravity Well and Owl Drone, helps Sentinels convert their full buy round (7-4).The TenZ effect secured the first half at a comfortable 8-4 for them.It’s going to be difficult to break Sentinels defense on this map for Knights .An abysmal whiff by Shahzam on A Sewer gives Knights the pistol and the subsequent bonus round(8-6).Sentinels recover the next round with a full buy for a 9-6.Knights have played respectfully well up untill now and it was unexpected for the BO3 to be this close, but Knights has had a great performance.Genghsta,however has been silent.The 16th round hilariously goes to Knights as a Guiding Light protects Knights frosty from Dapr's Judge 2 metres away on the garage entrance.Sentinels manage to pull a rabbit out of a habit for the next save round with TenZ and ShahZam popping off for a thrifty round.Knights manage to find one more round courtesy of ban and skuba on match point before losing to Sentinels 13-8.

A loss for Knights but a valiant and admirable effort.


W Analysis




W thread (i didn't read it but looks high effort, respect)


Thanks man!



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