
Irrelevant game but

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zeus was an IGL, jackz is literally just bait for hunter. why the fuck are you talking about "casual" when you don't even know how SIMPLE hltv statistics works? you literally thought rating 2.0 means rating against top 20 teams you fucking imbecile.

and yes, age matters. link me hltv page of a 30+yo with a good rating on a t1/2 team. hint: you cant


you literally thought rating 2.0 means rating against top 20 teams you fucking imbecile

I never mentioned TEAMS but OPPOSITION and OPPONENTS you illiterate clown lol. Sumbit your complaints to HLTV maybe :/

Exactly, Jackz is there so the team as a whole performs because he opens up a lot of space. He's a selfless player who at the same time is perfect for the filling role, (which is where you need the "support-entry" and trade fragger system thus making the star players shine), something that'll fit in with aleksib's playstyle as well.

Not to mention what he adds outside the game, great chemistry, good hypeman, experience...

link me hltv page of a 30+yo with a good rating on a t1/2 team.

Move your lazy ass and stop embarrassing yourself.

There's plenty of them, Oskar for example.

PS what you said about Zeus already tells me how clueless you are, casual


what the fuck is the difference between "OPPOSITION", "OPPONENTS" and "TEAMS"? why are you linking the HLTV stats page of m0nesy vs dogshit acd teams? are they "TOP 20 OPPOSITION" or "TOP 20 OPPONENTS"? no, they're fucking not.

oskar monster 1.04 ratingπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯, maybe -s1mple +oskar



Man's really trying to trash HLTV website because he lost a point and embarrassed himself in VLR lmfao.

Ask them, not me

That's a pretty good rating you clown. Keep moving goalposts, now the point was "name an old player that plays like s1mple?". Degenerate


what was the reason for linking m0nesy stats vs top2000 acd teams?


They're not top2000 teams? Why do you lie?
What's the reason for asking stupid questions some of which I already replied and you're not willing to hear of?

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