VCT BR Watch Party

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I was reading some topics on Twitter, and I saw a guy talking about the possibility of North American or European streamers broadcasting the VCT BR championship. This would undoubtedly bring more people into the competitive landscape and generate more content and money for streamers and Riot itself.

For example: Kyedae doing Watch Party would attract much more engagement from different regions and would not limit people from the respective country to only watching the local games. In short, everyone would benefit, Riot, Streamers, Players, Casters, Community.


Ok? What is the discussion youre trying to bring out? I agree it would be cool to the scene and maybe im wrong, but I thought everyone had the right to ask for watchparty permission or watch with the overlay. So, if no one has actually done it it's simply because they dont want to. Sliggy(liquid coach) already did a watchparty/vod review for Havan Liberty, and shroud has done watchparties for EU masters finals before. So while it is cool and interesting I doubt anyone with a big platform would even care.

Marty [#2]

Ok? What is the discussion youre trying to bring out? I agree it would be cool to the scene and maybe im wrong, but I thought everyone had the right to ask for watchparty permission or watch with the overlay. So, if no one has actually done it it's simply because they dont want to. Sliggy(liquid coach) already did a watchparty/vod review for Havan Liberty, and shroud has done watchparties for EU masters finals before. So while it is cool and interesting I doubt anyone with a big platform would even care.

Whether they want to or not is a personal matter. But let's face it, there are streamers who would gladly take it. In fact, you can ask for the broadcast right, but I'm sure it will only be accepted if you are a well-known person in the community, or someone who has some influence. Doing what Liquid Coach did helps the community grow in and out of the game, helps teach professional team fundamentals, and integrates communities. The theme that brought back many interpretations, I just put the subject to rotate, exchange of opinions and knowledge.

Xaves [#3]

Whether they want to or not is a personal matter. But let's face it, there are streamers who would gladly take it. In fact, you can ask for the broadcast right, but I'm sure it will only be accepted if you are a well-known person in the community, or someone who has some influence. Doing what Liquid Coach did helps the community grow in and out of the game, helps teach professional team fundamentals, and integrates communities. The theme that brought back many interpretations, I just put the subject to rotate, exchange of opinions and knowledge.

Ye I agree, but again who wants to watch different regions apart from fans, and coaches? and whats even the point of the coaches doing watchparties when they would much rather just do vod reviews of other teams with the team present. BBG Poach has done brazil watchparties heading into Iceland, so idk if you need to specifically ask for rights to a region. I think if you have rights for EU then youre good for BR, it just comes down to them not wanting to. When Sliggy did his watchparty he just asked chat for the overlay.

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