valorant without VOICE CHAT ranked experience

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I created an alt account with the goal to reach the highest rank i could get in 14 days, with VOICE CHAT COMPLETELY DISABLED and comm using only the ingame tools.
I played exactly 100 ranked games with a 71% win rate of 71W/29L and reach Immortal 3 with 377RR peak. (soloQ only)
what I noticed with this is that i was able to be more focused on my own gameplay and my overall stats increased compared to my main account, i also had much less stressful games and i was able to play for longer without getting tilted.

I'm just a casual player and average immortal player, today i finally played on my main account with voice chat ON, and after going negative in one game two guys called me "bad, fat, depressive, KYS", at this point my willingness to play the rest of the game was 0.
I've never been the "mute all" type of person despite what people are saying ingame, but after that i would highly recommend anyone to instantly mute annoying/toxic teammates as soon as they start talking sh*t if you want a better ranked experience. Is actually crazy that ammount of free toxicity there is.

tl;dr: disable voice chat can help you develop your own gameplay and avoid stress if you just want a chill gameplay.
(not saying you should play voice chat OFF, but that can be an option if you are having a bad ranked experience).




How do you play 100 games in two weeks bro
You good?

CalypsoGHC [#3]

How do you play 100 games in two weeks bro
You good?

I was committed to reach Radiant, so i was playing 7-8 games a day, it was harsh lol i can only imagine how stressful a pro routine is.


I play without comms too, it’s so relaxing and I can focus. No one to bitch and moan at me.


I play with my game muted and a youtube or twitch playing in the background

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