Actual Truth

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Mr. John Riot - a renowned game developer woke up today and saw a DM on his twitter account , a guy named Pedro had written a long ass paragraph in Portugese which in short meant "Die bitch Vamos Furia" and Mr. John Riot took it personally ; the very next second Mr. John Riot called his esports executive and said "Fuck Brazilians , lets hand VK another L" and he went to sleep again.
He was still sleeping when somehow a group of 10 Brazilians broke into his house and pointed a gun at his sleeping face. They compelled him to revert VK's decision and give their lords Heat and Mwzera a W. But Mr Rito is smart , he accepted their demand but in fact he is trying to buy time for himself so he asked the authorities to fake players covid tests and create a chaos so the Brazilians will remain at unease whether their team will win or not

Well done Mr, John Riot , i hope the Brazilians dont kill you before you get help


no cap


funniest shit ive ever read

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