rank all the jetts at masters

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I don't know what you're babbling about. If you think that these teams are not tier 1 then you must either have a peanut inside your head or you just hit your head hard before writing this. These teams are tier 1, given the fact that these teams have the capability to beat teams from EMEA or NA. PRX was the team that almost beat SMB and NU almost beat Fnatic back in Iceland. If these teams aren't tier 1 then I don't know what is tier 1 in your definition.

If Heat has the ability to Jett diff Yay, who's arguably the best Jett in the world then I don't find why any of these Jetts can't diff ScreaM too. After all he got diffed by a tier 2 Jett and a tier 2 Killjoy.



This is such a flawed argument by comparing players by their worst maps lmao

Here is ur heat getting owned in the deciding game to playoffs
Here is heat getting owned by a bunch of havan liberty (cant even beat CR) noobs

Also scream was on sage that game so it is not even a jett comparison in this moment

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