100T additions

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For IGL, I'd like to see 100T either go after stanislaw or spend big and try and poach dephh or POISED. XSET and Rise are much smaller orgs than 100T and POISED and dephh are great IGLs that could make this team even better than the last iterations. And for the other open slot, I think 100T need to go after a jett player since having nitr0 on jett allowed Asuna to be unlocked(since he wasn't solo entrying). Plus, jett is very much in the meta and having a good awper can completely change games. For the other player, I think it should revolve around the other addition. If they add stanislaw, they should try and get Brehze or CerQ. If they add dephh, they should also probably try and get PureR. However, since POISED is a sentinel main, I think 100T should go after supamen if they get him. Obviously these would be very expensive additions and XSET, Rise and EG all want to keep these players but, 100T is a big org and have the money to make it happen so, I hope they don't go after cheaper players. I would also like to see 100T go after guys like jks and Dre. They both used to be on 100T(jks in cs) and both are great players so, it would be cool to see them return to 100T.


stanislaw is bad


I doubt the EG roster is disbanding since its practically confirmed that stew and naf are leaving so it’ll be better for them to sign those two


idk man -steel +steel buff sounding nice

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