keloqz/nukkye/kolda replacements

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they are going to bench at least 2 of those 3 players and if they really want to build a top tier team able to win everything they have to put some money in the table and pay for the best players out there , they've tried to sign Nats and Cned before but they said they are too expensive (also Lucas said that paying 300k for a player was too much in a twitchstream)so we can assume that nats and Cned cost above 300k each but prolly not more than 600k , I mean G2 has much more money than Sentinels and Sen paid like a million for tenz so they can buy them easily


Nukkye staying man
He's such a good duelist.
For a keloqz replacement tho, Cned would be ideal.


For replacing Koldamenta they would need a sova main so leo would be best, but then no igl so they would also have to sign an igl so i dont see this happening. Also guild rebuilding around leo and guild apparently pays really well so i dont see it happening


I don't think -Kolda should be the move but we'll see

Always trusting regardless and I'm kinda excited as well. G2's got a lot of options to pick up from, can be really good

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