Chamber abilities explained

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Rendezvous (E): place 2 teleport anchors. while on the ground and in range of the anchor, teleport from one to the other. Like A yoru tp that you can reuse, but you cant send it as far.

Headhunter (Q): summon a heavy pistol. one-taps to the head at any range, has a scope

  • You have to buy bullets one at a time, they cost 100 each and you can hold up to 8 bullets. (imo, there are plenty of situations you would rather have a sheriff so I don't think this is super broken)

Trademark (C): Place a trap on the ground. when an enemy enters the radius around it, it counts down and then slows everyone in an area.

  • Like a slow orb/landmine combo

Ultimate: Tour de Force (X): Summon a sniper rifle that one shots on ANY direct hit (including legs). When an enemy is killed, it creates a slow field around them 7 point ult, grants 5 bullets that don't recharge.

I wanted to make this post because I see a lot of people making guesses, but this is the most accurate info I can find. Hope this helps!


thanks I was wonderign how the sherrif thing worked


That headhunter one looks really balanced, it looks perfect for some pistol demon to go and get some kills on a save round but isn’t so busted that it could win a round by itself


Other than the obvious reason that he'll be an eco round warrior, I can see him being played on the bigger maps like Breeze where double op is viable. He can just pop ult and hold the opposite site of Jett.

Seems like an agent that definitely rewards precise aim players.


Is the Q headshot only?

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