Plaayoffs bracket prediction

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The playoffs bracket is gonna be completely random so this is what i think / hope the bracket will look like

Vision Strikers vs Gambit

Envy vs G2

100T vs Acend

Sentinels vs Vivo Keyd


NV vs GMB so that #3 NA can expose #1 EU chokers
SEN vs Acend so that Tenz can hard diff Botned
100T vs Vivo Keyd so that 100T can dismantle another Bronzilian team.
VS vs G2 so that VS can sweep Gold 2

Revlo [#2]

NV vs GMB so that #3 NA can expose #1 EU chokers
SEN vs Acend so that Tenz can hard diff Botned
100T vs Vivo Keyd so that 100T can dismantle another Bronzilian team.
VS vs G2 so that VS can sweep Gold 2

Ah , Guess what a Bronzilian 2nd seed was enough to sweat NV , no wonder they need to poach players to remain in the competition

Mrityunjay [#3]

Ah , Guess what a Bronzilian 2nd seed was enough to sweat NV , no wonder they need to poach players to remain in the competition

NV started off slow, and then brought it back and 2-0 bronzil's best team. Also Vivo Keyd was #1 Seed BR idiot.

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