Day 2 Region Stonks

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  1. NA (2/3 wins already against Brazil teams and Sentinels are Sentinels)
  2. EMEA (Solid performance from Acend/SMB and Gambit won their opener. I'll rank EMEA higher than NA if G2 beats Sentinels tomorrow)
  3. KR (F4Q close game against G2 and VS won opener)
  4. SEA/BR (honestly these are a mix, they're both pretty close in skill level. PRX close game against VS and BR lost both openers but VK made it tough for NV)
  5. JP (JP unfortunately does not have the skill to back the fanbase. 1-13 even against the best EMEA team is not a good sign.)
    DNP: LATAM (I'm expecting KRÜ to beat ZETA so they'll be 4th/5th but we'll see tomorrow)

write in comments if you disagree


Kru vs Zeta gona be a close game many people isn't gona watch
but what is most entertaining is a 2 team clashing with each other
not 1 team destroying the other.


It honestly could be a stomp. We haven't seen LATAM at all yet. But LATAM aren't a region to be messed with. KRU are a very good team. And it also depends if CR just fucked themselves over with the Munchkin Jett move. And if Zeta have improved in the meantime. But I think it probably won't be as close as we'll think it'll be. But it can go either way.

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