Heretics today

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Don't get me wrong i like Heretics and usually root for them but Jesus christ, this might be the worst valorant out of this team ive seen today, and im including Heretics 2023. What the fuck were they doing? It genuinely felt like they were matchfixing, throwing man advantage round after round (literally), losing 3x 1v4

You cant even put the blame on miniboo, i dont understand why Wo0t is not playing raze on that map instead of paTiTek, it honestly seemed like Heretics tried their hardest to NOT win that game because holy hell what a shitshow.


“Sub with 2 days prac” excuses incoming


No need for excuses, sure they only had 1 day of pracc but this gameplay was just below mid. But im sure it was just an off day and i know heretics will bounce back and get playoffs regardless

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