FNS actual genius

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he knew shanghai is probably gonna be the least viewed event (region times are ass for everyone but asia and he has the least amount of asian viewers) and the teams their are ass as well. He also knows that all his fans want him back in pro play, and if his team does well hes seen as the savior and the goat, but if they do bad they say that he couldnt fixed it all/didnt have enough time and chem/its chets fault (probably true)-so he wont get blamed no matter what and his stocks can only rise.

IMO if fns does end up back I dont see NRG being top 3 americas, maybe they somehow make it to champs but thats a big maybe (and even then theyll prob get grouped). But this is part of FNS plan, he has men on the inside now and can make his perfect team, since the org went with victor/crashies instead of him and they failed so bad. Remember what he said was his perfect team at the begining of this year?
He has 3 of those players now and when 2025 comes hell be able to bring out a perfect squad. NRG will give him full control because they trust him now, and hell be able to bring in a initator/duelist player of his choosing. My geuss is yay comes back since fns said he wants to play with him and he can activate him like boostio has done with cryo and demon1. As for the initator I could see a lot of different people but its too soon to tell as the he will probably want whoevers the best throughout the year.




he legit peaked 50k watching an asian orgs match lmao

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