Cypher nerf from a genius perspective

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Very good, it hard combats the unbreakable trips on breeze, sunset and ascent. The thing I don’t like is the cam nerf, cam isn’t even that good of an ability, it has high potential but it takes a player out of the game if you wanna use it to its fullest.

I will say a cypher nerf is a good idea as he is an annoying agent and a cypher meta is mad annoying, kj meta is clear. I just don’t like the cam nerf, it’s such a goofy way to nerf the cam and makes playing against cypher way too easy.

Anyway, I’m glad kj is better in comparison because kj is my queen and I love a 2021/2023 kj meta


They saw what Marved was doing to EG with his cam and instantly wanted to nerf it


The camera nerf is actually wild, they made a mid ability worse

Conceit [#3]

The camera nerf is actually wild, they made a mid ability worse

it was literally a unkillable human holding map space


i dont understand the trip nerf
can someone explain

Zephyros [#5]

i dont understand the trip nerf
can someone explain

for the cypher cam there is now an indicator that you are being watched,
kind of like when yoru's ult is near you

Zsaber [#6]

for the cypher cam there is now an indicator that you are being watched,
kind of like when yoru's ult is near you

i understood that but how did they nerf the tripwire

kalayav_n [#4]

it was literally a unkillable human holding map space

What. It's info when you actually are using it, but if you know where the camera is you can just destroy it and no more info. Now they made hidden cameras much worse because you know there is a hidden cam to look for and destroy. Which was the best part of the camera, getting info without the enemy knowing

Conceit [#8]

What. It's info when you actually are using it, but if you know where the camera is you can just destroy it and no more info. Now they made hidden cameras much worse because you know there is a hidden cam to look for and destroy. Which was the best part of the camera, getting info without the enemy knowing

not as easy, most cameras are hidden and its alot BETTER than a trip or just a alarmbot because, one you can see EVERYTHING(all the people, where they are located and even tag them) as well as it being regenerative. IT was wayy to overpowered in my opinion compared to KJ's alarmbot or CHAMBERS trip.

Zephyros [#7]

i understood that but how did they nerf the tripwire

takes longer for the trip to be active after stunning an enemy and the amount of time you get slowed for upon initial contact with the trip is reduced

kalayav_n [#9]

not as easy, most cameras are hidden and its alot BETTER than a trip or just a alarmbot because, one you can see EVERYTHING(all the people, where they are located and even tag them) as well as it being regenerative. IT was wayy to overpowered in my opinion compared to KJ's alarmbot or CHAMBERS trip.

The difference between those is that they are passive information while the camera is only active information. You only get information when you are using it and this means you can't be doing other things when you are getting that information. There's also not that many hidden cameras? Most maps have a few camera spots that most cyphers put their cameras at and if you know where those are the camera doesn't get that much value. Obviously there's some exceptions like split having a lot of camera spots but most other maps don't really have that. It's also more comparable to kj's turret or chambers body with his tp, than to their trips. He has his own trips which function in a similar way, and in comparison to those other abilities it's not that much better honestly.

Speedzter [#10]

takes longer for the trip to be active after stunning an enemy and the amount of time you get slowed for upon initial contact with the trip is reduced

kill trips are still good tho cypher just has to play closer

Conceit [#11]

The difference between those is that they are passive information while the camera is only active information. You only get information when you are using it and this means you can't be doing other things when you are getting that information. There's also not that many hidden cameras? Most maps have a few camera spots that most cyphers put their cameras at and if you know where those are the camera doesn't get that much value. Obviously there's some exceptions like split having a lot of camera spots but most other maps don't really have that. It's also more comparable to kj's turret or chambers body with his tp, than to their trips. He has his own trips which function in a similar way, and in comparison to those other abilities it's not that much better honestly.

ill give you an example, Trip on B lotus with camera On the top wall(you cant break it unless you enter the site). when someone breaks trip you check cam and see if its a lurk and or an actual site hit. Thats very overpowered no?? its why you see alot of teams now using CYPHER instead of KJ even tho the KJ ult is so much powerful.

kalayav_n [#13]

ill give you an example, Trip on B lotus with camera On the top wall(you cant break it unless you enter the site). when someone breaks trip you check cam and see if its a lurk and or an actual site hit. Thats very overpowered no?? its why you see alot of teams now using CYPHER instead of KJ even tho the KJ ult is so much powerful.

That's good, y'know, it's nice to know if it's a site hit or just a lurk, but I wouldn't call that overpowered. For your Lotus example, there's a reason most teams still use KJ and not Cypher, good camera spots don't really make or break whether you are going to be playing Cypher vs. KJ.

Conceit [#14]

That's good, y'know, it's nice to know if it's a site hit or just a lurk, but I wouldn't call that overpowered. For your Lotus example, there's a reason most teams still use KJ and not Cypher, good camera spots don't really make or break whether you are going to be playing Cypher vs. KJ.

yeah nice bro, also everyone is switching to cypher and moving away from KJ. EG plays cypher, NRG plays cypher, almost all APAC teams play cypher.

kalayav_n [#15]

yeah nice bro, also everyone is switching to cypher and moving away from KJ. EG plays cypher, NRG plays cypher, almost all APAC teams play cypher.

Wtf are you talking about lmao. About APAC, the example you gave of Lotus, only ONE TEAM plays cypher on that map, and it's PRX. For the other maps, only two maps have a majority of teams using cypher, and it's Breeze and Sunset. Split only has 5/11 teams and he has fucking wonderous camera spots on that map. On Ascent, Lotus, and Icebox, almost every team is running KJ. A good amount of teams would rather just not have a sentinel then play Cypher on some maps. You would've done better bringing up EMEA if you wanted a Cypher pilled region

Conceit [#16]

Wtf are you talking about lmao. About APAC, the example you gave of Lotus, only ONE TEAM plays cypher on that map, and it's PRX. For the other maps, only two maps have a majority of teams using cypher, and it's Breeze and Sunset. Split only has 5/11 teams and he has fucking wonderous camera spots on that map. On Ascent, Lotus, and Icebox, almost every team is running KJ. A good amount of teams would rather just not have a sentinel then play Cypher on some maps. You would've done better bringing up EMEA if you wanted a Cypher pilled region

ok in fairness, other teams play chamber... Also EMEA isn't really a good data gathering region as literally every team runs off meta comps. Cypher was too op and im glad it was nerfed, if i was wrong then i guess thats TWO people wrong because clearly riot knew what they were doing.

kalayav_n [#17]

ok in fairness, other teams play chamber... Also EMEA isn't really a good data gathering region as literally every team runs off meta comps. Cypher was too op and im glad it was nerfed, if i was wrong then i guess thats TWO people wrong because clearly riot knew what they were doing.

Yeah yeah yeah, that's actually what I would have brought up if you had said EMEA. You actually picked the region with the lowest cypher pick rate so I just found that funny. In the end it's just your opinion, I disagree with you, but I wouldn't say you're "wrong". I just wanted to explain my thought process and to practice arguing with people. Also I think we can both agree riot has made some pretty shitty balance changes before, so I don't think bringing up riot to back up your point is very convincing lol

Conceit [#18]

Yeah yeah yeah, that's actually what I would have brought up if you had said EMEA. You actually picked the region with the lowest cypher pick rate so I just found that funny. In the end it's just your opinion, I disagree with you, but I wouldn't say you're "wrong". I just wanted to explain my thought process and to practice arguing with people. Also I think we can both agree riot has made some pretty shitty balance changes before, so I don't think bringing up riot to back up your point is very convincing lol

Yeah i agree and I think the worst nerf riot actually did was nerfing chambers 2 trips instead of just fixing his TP which was the ONLY problem with chamber. He's now a imposter sentinel but yeah all good fam, we all can have different opinions o7.

Zephyros [#7]

i understood that but how did they nerf the tripwire

mb i read it so wrong. studying got me hallucinating


it hard combats the unbreakable trips on breeze, sunset and ascent

Breeze: Kayo ult molly and knife, sova darts x2
Sunset: Breach aftershock, sova darts x2, kayo ult molly and knife, raze nade and x2 satchels,
Ascent: kayo and sova once again.

The only ppl who hate cyphers unbreakable trips are people who either dont use util, or dont play with their team.

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