I hate yay and Bleed

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I hate yay and whoever at Bleed decided to sign Zest, happy he got an opportunity in franchising but if it's to throw his career fuck that.
yay please just play chamber and do something good and make my goat look like the good player he actually is


why is it yays fault that zest is doing bad?

Lucrix [#2]

why is it yays fault that zest is doing bad?

It isn't much of yay fault other than maybe not playing with Zest's util but mostly im talking about whoever decided to sign him at that time, if he was signed during off season he could have actually learned english and get used to this team, but no instead he doesn't speak much english outside of basic comms and the team clearly has chemistry issue, they are all good/decent players but they aren't playing together which makes them all look like your typical diamond 3 teammate

ZestNumber1Fan [#3]

It isn't much of yay fault other than maybe not playing with Zest's util but mostly im talking about whoever decided to sign him at that time, if he was signed during off season he could have actually learned english and get used to this team, but no instead he doesn't speak much english outside of basic comms and the team clearly has chemistry issue, they are all good/decent players but they aren't playing together which makes them all look like your typical diamond 3 teammate

zest is bad but bleed and y0y are worse

ZestNumber1Fan [#3]

It isn't much of yay fault other than maybe not playing with Zest's util but mostly im talking about whoever decided to sign him at that time, if he was signed during off season he could have actually learned english and get used to this team, but no instead he doesn't speak much english outside of basic comms and the team clearly has chemistry issue, they are all good/decent players but they aren't playing together which makes them all look like your typical diamond 3 teammate

Zest has nobody to blame but himself

He is the one who signed the contract

You can't blame an org for offering a player

Asuna_Yuuki [#5]

Zest has nobody to blame but himself

He is the one who signed the contract

You can't blame an org for offering a player

No I completely agree with you but Bleed should not have offered him at that time, they should have looked into players that fit the team and speak english already

cboomer [#4]

zest is bad but bleed and y0y are worse

Zest might not be the best but he definitely isn't bad

ZestNumber1Fan [#6]

No I completely agree with you but Bleed should not have offered him at that time, they should have looked into players that fit the team and speak english already

Ig it was more of a panic move since they had one month to make a difference. In the end, Zest knew he couldn't speak English yet decided to take the offer therefore Zest is the only one responsible and to be blamed for (as much as I hate to say it)...


I told you, y0y is the worst player in APAC but

He is the best NA AGENT

akumaaaa [#8]

Ig it was more of a panic move since they had one month to make a difference. In the end, Zest knew he couldn't speak English yet decided to take the offer therefore Zest is the only one responsible and to be blamed for (as much as I hate to say it)...

I can't blame a player for signing a contract when the alternative was to have no job, it's not like he had many other options


yay on sentinal and other 4 guys can do whatever sht they want to do and than bit by bit they can fight the middle pack , if that doesnt work just get new roster or bring ego and crazyguy and do their stuff how they have been doing in ascension

typ [#10]

I can't blame a player for signing a contract when the alternative was to have no job, it's not like he had many other options

its just unfortunate, deadlock both ways. Bleed cant be blamed for tho since they were giving him an opportunity to play in t1

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