Fun life :)))

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I was about to spray down at A site on split and just when I peeked from elbow, this error popped up "Graphic drivers crashed, Make sure your graphic drivers are up to date".
Fuck u riot, I've been playing all day and your program decided to tell me mid game to update my driver. But no it's ok, my fault I guess. I should've checked before playing whether my drivers are updated or not. Now go on ban me for 7 days. Everyday it's a new fkin problem with this game, some new error. Dogshit game


unlucky, really


well i have the same problem


just don't play this game then. You'll probably be happier in life without it. I stopped playing months ago, now I just follow the competitive matches.

stainsr [#4]

just don't play this game then. You'll probably be happier in life without it. I stopped playing months ago, now I just follow the competitive matches.

Yes, I'll be taking a long break from gaming overall this shit not even making me happy anymore.

stainsr [#4]

just don't play this game then. You'll probably be happier in life without it. I stopped playing months ago, now I just follow the competitive matches.

Me too


Once I started the game. It was a normal ranked game and everything was going fine. And all of the sudden it was fking 100 ms flickering ping with 40 fps. I restarted the game and it wont restart. fuck you riot and also fuck ur mumbai servers.


Translating crashing in your game into Valorant being a dogshit game is utter nonsense and I shouldn't even have to tell you that. There's so many great things that we all love about Valorant. They are trying to support us, they know there's issues, and they're trying to fix them. Also, they recently said they are testing out a new system that can identify when a player unintentionally disconnects, thus preventing them from receiving a comp ban.

"Fuck u riot, I've been playing all day and your program decided to tell me mid game to update my driver. But no it's ok, my fault I guess. I should've checked before playing whether my drivers are updated or not."
(This is absolutely your fault, you need to check if everything on your PC is up to date. It's like a car, you gotta check the oil every once and a while)

But for real, if its genuinely making you THIS unhappy, it is not worth playing. Find something new that does make you happy, that's what's important in life.

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