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Im not trying to diss him in any way cuz what he's done/is doing is amazing, but why do people like his watch parties so much? ive never really tuned in to a stream but from the clips ive watched it's not like he's doing anything that different. he doesn't really provide a lot of in depth analysis like tmv or sliggy, and i haven't really seen many "funny" reactions/overreactions. again, im just wondering what makes him attract such a big audience. is it just cuz he's on sen and won a major?


imo his streams used to be pretty funny
Now seems like he just overreacts and is only really fun to watch when he brings guests on and works off them. But in general he just has a likeable and fun personality


His stream is good to drown out dog shit casters like Doug


For me at least, its kind of the yappage. He just yaps a lot and it can be entertaining. The VC helps in moments when you want some kind of analysis and also can be funny. He was big for watch parties before SEN and you can probably attribute the initial growth to him being a major winner. He also engages with the chat a lot, and talks like hes conversing with the chat which probably helps with viewer retainment.

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