KC and TH

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Heretics and KC really need to humble themselves... Coach Neilzinho's refusal to accept defeat and Magnum's remark that "their playstyle is stupid, in my opinion" after the loss was really stupid. As for Magnum, apologized for saying in X that PRX's playstyle was completely stupid, Still, I can't accept their arrogance and cockiness.
This is clear when compared to Fnatic, Boaster, and Alfajer, also in EMEA. Whether they win or lose, they rarely brag and are always humble. They never say anything disrespectful to their opponents, and in fact, they show the utmost respect to their opponents. Regarding KC & Magnum, I'll give up 100 steps and overlook it, but when it comes to Heretics Neilzinho, it's a statement made by a rotten brain who continues to have delusions without completely accepting that PRX is better. I really hope Fnatic reaches Masters Shanghai. And hope they can completely humble the Heretics, who are rotten in the EMEA league.


It's not that deep

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