Polaris 2024

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This may be the weakest the league has ever been.... and maybe that is okay.

If we look back on Polaris Split 2 2023, none of the top 4 rosters are in Polaris anymore.
With the majority of the players being exported to a higher level or more financial viable teams in other leagues. (greener pastures)

Tier list:
S: Apeks
B: METIZPORT / Formulation
C: Apinaorkesteri / SweetNSour / Onlyfins / Whocars

With the way riot views tier 2 as a whole, I feel like Polaris is the representation of that. (for better or for worse)
Numerous young players given opportunities this year to compete and develop, just look at apinaorkesteri as an example.

The league seems to be doing a lot better on the social media and back end side with the new organiser (mist games)


The problem is that we need to work on getting interest back into Polaris after the reputation has been ruined. Takes time but it is looking better for the future just growing pains rn.
Lots of young talent who get their time to shine and hopefully our stacked broadcast team and talent can help show off the lesser-known talent from the region this split.


It does feel like a rebuilding year of such.

I really like the attempts to tap into the regional markets, the use of regional ambassadors for co-streaming in their respective languages is clever.
If these attempts are fruitful it would definitely benefit the future of Polaris.


Trial and error for us, there aren't any expectations for us and we don't care about viewership this year so we can get more experimental which I like. All about finding what works and what doesn't so we know what to focus on for the later years. Long-term project and lucky that MistGames is also committed to a long-term plan.


Polaris been a talent export for a while now... the first split of polaris was just something else
1st, 3rd and 4th best t2 team coming out from vct quals https://www.vlr.gg/event/795/champions-tour-europe-stage-1-challengers-2/closed-qualifier + Tundra who were cracked af and a solid kova
So yea the leagues been continually getting weaker as the best talent finds teams in other regions/"ascending"... and Fokus leaving this year was a big hit

But I do agree its fine. Theres still Apeks. And Metizport has the potential to do damage at ascension by the end of the year.
No I dont think any of the "t3" based teams will get to ascension level but a year of talent development is vital for the league right now imo, and ngl some of the teams were already quite impressive for an open quals (at least compared to what I was expecting after the liquid opens)

The new social media presence has been amazing too so im interested if Polaris can gain traction throughout the season - some of those open qual clips already got a ton of views so Im hopeful

Also good tier list going into the year


S - OnlyFins (no Vuubit so no S+), Apinaorkesteri
A - Apeks
B - HTW, Metizport
F - The rest


@capital_d_colon do you live on these threads?

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