Best player on each agent

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there's no definite number to a single tier in any tier list why do i have to explain this to you


And i said above "If you consider Elite top 5 and not top 3, then sure put demon1 up there in the so called elite."
Im going by a general mean of best tier can't have too much people, but you don't seem to do well in the activity of using your braincells.


no dude, tier lists are based off of whether or not the shit inside the tier makes sense, there's no set number for the amount of things you can put in them dude, this isn't just my opinion this is literally how every tier lists works. If you watch 5 movies that are all 10/10, you dont pick three of them to put into S tier and then the rest a whole tier lower, you're basing it all off of like a top 10 list when it isnt. if you unironically dont understand that then gj wasting my time then idk


No, you are the one that doesn't understand. I love many series and movies, but Tier S has to be exclusive somehow. Not to mention that even amongst the 10/10 movies you have watched there has to be a movie you like more than the other or tier S will be meaningless.
It also depends on how many movies you have watched, if you watched over 1000 movies, it is fine for you to have a wider range of S tier movies, but you don't have 100 duelist players that go to international events and perform. So it needs to be exclusive.

I wont discuss this further , i do not have a lifetime to use on this website, and this topic is meaningless. i have already said if you want to consider "Elite" as a top 5 and not top 3 demon1 would be a elite in my list as he is the 4th best oper in my opinion.

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