SEN off-season glory

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though it is off-season and the teams were ''trolling'', sen looked like an actual masters contender. it's not "they beat prx" honestly. it's just how they played. many rounds johnqt just got them into a situation where they won't lose to any team with his igl and the potential is huge for this roster


the cope is unreal on this one

GaeHGae [#2]

the cope is unreal on this one

oh dw i can manage the disappointment they can give next year. im a sen fan afterall


sen will only keep getting better.They are taking this shit 100 percent serious unlike 100t did last off season.The biggest reason people are skeptical of sen is because they saw how 100t dominated offseason but shit the bed in the main season. They are applying the same logic here.So,I kind of understand. But,people are missing the fact that 100t was a already established team with a core and system placed by sean gares and were one of the masters contenders that year.Sen on the other hand literally didn't have a stable roster until a month ago.So the improvement from then to now is literally exponential and itll keep getting better hopefully.

Ausam [#4]

sen will only keep getting better.They are taking this shit 100 percent serious unlike 100t did last off season.The biggest reason people are skeptical of sen is because they saw how 100t dominated offseason but shit the bed in the main season. They are applying the same logic here.So,I kind of understand. But,people are missing the fact that 100t was a already established team with a core and system placed by sean gares and were one of the masters contenders that year.Sen on the other hand literally didn't have a stable roster until a month ago.So the improvement from then to now is literally exponential and itll keep getting better hopefully.

i think sen will be really good but im not sure what their ceiling is compared to the other top tier na rosters

zekken might go supernova and win mvp tho if that happens theyre set

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