Delusional monyet hype

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Jingg had perfect synergy with the team, was arguably their best player, and at some points he was in contention for best player in the world and certainly in apac. Why should monyet be just as good or even better then him? Dont get me wrong, he does seem like a really good player rn. But with him there certainly are still a lot of ifs buts and maybes. After all we never saw him with the prx core and neither was he ever in a team that was in contention to make deep runs, not even in his domestic league. It blows my mind that even analysts talk about that they will be just as good, or even better then before.

The expectations for this team, especially at the beginning are way to high imo. It can work out and monyet certainly was the best replacement they could have gotten, but there is also a good chance that it will make them worse.


something about jingg being good and monyet being not so good in prx save urself time


monyet is pacific only hope to get a thropy

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