Nadeshot Deserves a Chance

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Dude is way better than his rank, seems like teammates are holding him back, 100T should consider putting him on main roster, i've heard he's a good IGL too!


guy forgot to switch to the burner account 💀


I was smurfing one late night to have fun & ran into him on accident on Split while he was playing Chamber.

  1. He didn’t comm the entire game.
  2. Many times it was 2v3 with me & him but he would lurk in the most obvious spots + would therefore die leaving me in 1v3
  3. Very passive player
  4. His aim is fine, I think he needs to focus on game sense more and that’s smt a lot of people in ascendant need to focus on rather than going into the range/aim labs for hours.

Tldr; he’s fine but just needs to focus more on game sense & be confident

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