what a load of codswallop


Ah, would ya look at this load o' blarney! Pujan "FNS" Mehta, the best Valorant player in the world, ye say? The lad doesn't even need a mouse and keyboard, he just uses his noggin, does he? Well, I'll tell ya, that's a load o' codswallop, it is! And the most humble player in the world, ya say? Ha! Humble me arse! If he's always talking and yappin' away, I'd say he's more full of himself than a peacock struttin' its feathers. Sure, some folks might be a bit green-eyed with envy, but that doesn't mean they're wrong. There's plenty of talented players out there, and claimin' that FNS is the bee's knees without provin' it on the field is nothin' but hot air. And to think he's the reason Valorant is popular? Now that's just pushin' it, mate. Valorant's success is a team effort, not just one fella. So, next time ya meet FNS, maybe give him a polite nod and carry on, 'cause there's no need for all this malarkey.

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